Logo and brand resources

In return for funding support, we ask that all grant recipients acknowledge and include the AFA logo in their recognition/marketing materials. Funding accreditation is requirement for all recipients.

Use of the AFA logo

The AFA logo is to be used only to identify activities, events, exhibitions or productions that have received support from Alberta Foundation for the Arts. It may not be used for commercial or business purposes without the express permission of Alberta Foundation for the Arts.

Download versions of the AFA logo.

Please follow the AFA logo and brand guidelines  when incorporating the logo into your materials.

The AFA logo must appear on all promotional and communication materials produced to market activities and events directly funded by AFA or for organizations that receive operating support from the AFA. These may include:

  • production/concert programs and handbills
  • event signage
  • print advertising
  • promotional brochures
  • exhibition catalogues
  • invitations
  • sound recording covers or booklets
  • all other forms of printed materials used for promotions and communications

Government of Alberta logo

The Government of Alberta supports the arts in Alberta through funding allocated to the AFA, as well as providing funding through other arts and culture grants and capital funding.

AFA funding recipients that also want to acknowledge the Government of Alberta in their promotional materials can visit the Government Identity Program website for information on the government's brand standards and visual identity system.

Oral acknowledgement

When programs or other printed materials are not produced, and in the case of radio broadcasts, oral recognition is to be given to the AFA during sponsor acknowledgements, or as is otherwise appropriate, prior to the commencement of each event or performance.

Credit lines:

  • We acknowledge the support of the Province of Alberta through Alberta Foundation for the Arts.
  • This [project/event/activity] has been assisted by the Province of Alberta through Alberta Foundation for the Arts, its arts funding agency.


On websites, the Alberta Foundation for the Arts should be credited on the list of sponsors and supporters or on pages describing events/activities funded by the AFA.

Including a link to www.affta.ab.ca on the funding recipient’s website is encouraged, but not required.

Beyond the requirements

Additional ways you can acknowledge support from the Alberta Foundation for the Arts include:

  • AFA has various communication materials that you may wish to distribute at your event or activity
  • using AFA print ad templates
  • invite a member of the AFA Board of Directors to your event or activity to talk about the importance of the arts