AFA Logos

Please choose the correct file format by clicking on the writing beneath the thumbnail pictures. Do not try to save the picture of the logo - it is a sample of what the file looks like and will not download.

The AFA logo must be presented according to these guidelines.

Download the colour AFA logo

  • EPS (RGB), 1621 pixels wide by 475 pixels high, 75 kb
  • JPG (CMYK), 2050 pixels wide by 600 pixels high, 0.9 MB
  • JPG (RGB), 2050 pixels wide by 600 pixels high, 0.2 MB
  • TIFF (CMYK), 2050 pixels wide by 600 pixels high, 5.3 MB
  • TIFF (RGB), 2050 pixels wide by 600 pixels high, 3.5 MB
  • Windows Bitmap, 2050 pixels wide by 600 pixels high, 3.5 MB

Download the black and white AFA logo

  • EPS, 1621 pixels wide by 475 pixels high, 75 kb
  • JPG, 2050 pixels wide by 600 pixels high, 0.2 MB
  • TIFF, (greyscale) 2050 pixels wide by 600 pixels high, 5.3 MB
  • Windows Bitmap, 2050 pixels wide by 600 pixels high, 3.5 MB

Download the vertical colour AFA logo

  • EPS, 804 pixels wide by 729 pixels high, 75kb
  • JPG, 804 pixels wide by 729 pixels high, 75k

Download the vertical black and white AFA logo

  • EPS, 804 pixels wide by 729 pixels high, 75kb
  • JPG, 804 pixels wide by 729 pixels high, 75kb

* The black background is only on this thumbnail so the lettering is visible on this Web page.

Download the white AFA logo

  • EPS, 804 pixels wide by 729 pixels high, 75kb
  • TIFF, 804 pixels wide by 729 pixels high, 75k

You may also want to use the brand image for the 50th Anniversary of the AFA Art Collection