Film & Video Individual Project Funding Expert Panel comments

March 1, 2024 deadline
General Expert Panel comments

Comments made by the panel during the assessment of applications are outlined below. Please note that these comments provide a summary of the panel's assessment and do not necessarily relate to every application submitted to this deadline. The panel does not provide individual comments.

Project description

  • Overall, the panel was impressed with the projects submitted but did note that many projects lacked details and basic preliminary research on budget items.
  • This is a very competitive program, so applicants are encouraged to be as thorough as possible when describing their project and costs.
  • The panel appreciated projects that included connections to community and used local facilities and resources.
  • It is important to describe what the artistic impact your project will have on you as an artist and, if relevant, the community. Delve deeper beyond generalizations, like how the project will improve your skills. Explain why you are doing this project, how it challenges your artistic practice, and how it impacts your career aspirations.
  • Strive to write concisely and articulate accurately.
  • Visual descriptions or specific references as to what the project will look like provide context and help the panelists in their assessment.
  • Make sure your timeline is detailed so the panel is confident that the activities are feasible.
  • It is important to identify members of your crew and the principal artists who are confirmed to work on your project.
  • Make sure there is sufficient detail for all activities and costs described in each phase included in your application.


  • The panel appreciated seeing non-AFA revenue confirmed. If you have pending or unconfirmed funding, it is helpful for the panel to know how you will still complete your project without this funding.
  • Provide specific details on expenses, breaking down costs as accurately as possible, especially for any specialized services. The more detail you provide in your budget, the easier it is for the panel to understand the scope of your project.
  • Specify units as hours, days, weeks, or months. Indicate the length of your shooting day so the panel clearly understands the payment provided.

Support material

  • Provide relevant support material, especially video, to help contextualize your project. Panelists do not always have time to fill in the gaps and do additional research on their own.