September 3, 2024 deadline
General Expert Panel comments
Comments made by the panel during the assessment of applications are outlined below. Please note that these comments provide a summary of the panel's assessment and do not necessarily relate to every application submitted to this deadline. The panel does not provide individual comments.
Project description
- Overall, the panel was impressed with the quality of projects and the calibre of applicants. It appreciated the personal and emotional investment shown in projects.
- The panel supported projects that were clearly defined and included a detailed project plan with a compelling writing sample.
- When writing from a cultural perspective or identity other than their own, the panel recommends applicants consider forming a partnership with a collaborator who will ensure an informed cultural voice is heard.
- The panel asks applicants to indicate for which audience they are writing when submitting children or Young Adult projects.
- When requesting funds for a book tour, the panel recommends applicants be very specific and indicate which dates are confirmed. If dates are not confirmed, applicants should provide a list of bookstores or venues they plan to contact.
- The panel noted many projects would have benefited from another draft before applying for funding, especially when the applicant has not worked in another genre before.
- The panel recommends you review and carefully proofread all components of your application.
- Each deadline convenes a different panel with a different evaluation process, and each panel has to make difficult decisions among a highly competitive pool.
- An unsuccessful application does not mean you or your project lacks artistic merit. Applicants are always encouraged to apply again to the next deadline.
- Your budget and project description should support and complement each other.
- Activities and items defined in the project description should have a matching line item in the budget and vice versa, e.g., if travel is part of the project, these costs need to be included in the budget.
- Applicants are encouraged to review what costs are eligible to include in the budget.
Support material
- Whenever possible, writing samples should be an excerpt of the work proposed or try to relate to the proposed project, e.g., be in the same style or genre.
- Resumes should be clear, concise, and easy to read without too many visuals. Upload a writing resume and ensure your credits, education, and background are accurate.