Open Call to Artists: Chalk Art Event September 4th

Date: Jun 21, 2024

Deadline: Jul 28, 2024 - 11:45 pm

Deadline to apply: July 28, 2024

Submit applications to with the subject Open Call

We are looking for artists who work with street art, chalk, murals, other public art mediums, or visual artists who want to try something new!

We are seeking artists to create temporary outdoor chalk art pieces in the newly pedestrian-only area of Macewan on 108 street and 104 avenue.  

Two artists will be selected for a mentor/mentee partnership. Together they will design a “Chalk by numbers” interactive piece and have ongoing mentorship sessions. They will also give a collaborative artist talk sharing how the experience benefited their artistic practice.

On September 4 artists will work outdoors between 10 am – 3 pm to complete their artwork. 

Interested artists are encouraged to visit the site for inspiration and to best understand how their artwork could interact with the area. 

Artists teams are welcome to apply.

For an artist fee of $500 each the artists will provide:

  • A preliminary sketch of proposed art piece by August 25th
  • Their own materials
  • Their own safety equipment (sun hat, water, knee pads)
  • Live, on-site creation of their original art piece on Date TBD between the hours of 10am – 2pm
  • Sharing the event promotions on social media, inviting friends
  • Consistent communication to the organisers

Artwork Requirements:

  • Fills approx. 4m x 4m space
  • Imaginative, creative, interactive 
  • Appropriate for all ages 
  • Engages with pedestrians
  • Inclusive and representative of our diverse city
  • Original artwork (no reproductions of famous artwork or fictional characters)
  • Encourages participant interaction, such as
    • Innovative hopscotch
    • Labyrinth design 

Application requirements

  • Short letter of interest (300 words)
    • Please indicate your interest in the mentorship program as a mentor or mentee in the letter of interest
  • Artist CV (max 2 pages)
  • Social media or website
  • 7 images of past work titled 01_ArtistName_Title_Medium_Date_Location or provide a corresponding image list with all relevant information.
  • Please do not submit sketches of proposed artwork. We will contact all accepted artists for proposed artworks. 

Submit applications to with the subject Open Call

Please indicate your interest in the mentorship program as a mentor or mentee in the letter of interest.

Mentorship program

The goal of this program is to connect an early-career artist with an established artist – both with an interest in street art, public art, or public intervention and social practice art. The artists will pair up in August and choose a topic of interest to research and focus on. They will both create a chalk art piece for the September event. At the end of their mentorship period, they will present an artist talk sharing their experience, their practice, and their research with the broader community. Artist talks are a great way for the public to become familiar with artist’s work and how it impacts them. 

For an artist fee of $1500 each the mentor and mentee will commit to:

  • All the same expectations as the open call
  • Regular mentorship meetings and check-ins with the curator
  • A joint artist talk on zoom after the event

Mentor requirements:

  • 3+ years of experience as a professional artist
  • Experience exhibiting in and navigating Edmonton’s art scene
  • Experience completing at least 1 large-scale public art commission

About the event:

Afternoon chalk art event featuring art students, alumni, and local artists live-chalking on the pavement in front of Macewan on 108 Street. Program will feature an artist mentorship program connecting a newly graduated art student with an established artist. During the event passersby are welcomed to join in the fun by adding to a “chalk by numbers” collaborative art piece. This event provides a paid opportunity for artists, a wide audience viewership for their work, and public art portfolio development. Implementing chalk art in the newly pedestrian-only Art Gardens is a way of activating the newly renovated space and prototyping future permanent artwork. 

Please reach out if you need any assistance completing any part of the application process.

If you have any inquiries please feel free to email us at

We only respond to appropriate applications.