Literary Arts Individual Project Funding Expert Panel comments

March 1, 2024 deadline
General Expert Panel comments

Comments made by the panel during the assessment of applications are outlined below. Please note that these comments provide a summary of the panel's assessment and do not necessarily relate to every application submitted to this deadline. The panel does not provide individual comments.

General comments

  • The panel was deeply appreciative of the personal and emotional investment applicants had in their projects and the passion they expressed in their work.
  • Overall the panel found many applications were vague and lacked specific detail to show where the project was heading. It is vital applicants present a clear writing plan. 
  • Do not forget to proofread all your material – project description, writing sample, and resume. It is especially disconcerting to see typos in an application for a literary grant.
  • Make sure you double-space your project description and use a legible font.
  • Name your project with a specific title and not a generic label like “AFA Literary Arts Application.”
  • If submitting a graphic novel project, make sure you clearly identify who is writing and who is creating the illustrations. Graphic novel projects must include a significant writing element to be eligible for a literary grant.
  • It is important to accurately identify what stage you are at in your writing process, e.g., first draft, final draft, polish, and what elements of your draft you are planning to revisit.
  • Applicants need to make a compelling argument for including literary activities like conferences, workshops, and courses in their projects. Rationale should demonstrate how these activities are vital to the applicant’s career development.
  • Detailed project descriptions should not exist solely of a plot summary. Applicants are reminded that they are required to include the following in their project description:
    • objectives
    • proposed activities with timelines
    • expected results and benefits
  • Review your application thoroughly and make sure you include the material where asked. For example, it is not necessary to add the budget in your project description since there are separate forms in GATE for expenses and revenue.


  • The panel appreciated those applications that included additional revenue from another funder, either pending or confirmed.

Support material

  • The panel appreciated writing samples that were from the project being proposed. If a sample is not available from the proposed project, then applicants are asked to submit a sample from the same genre.
  • If you are writing outside of your culture, it is helpful for the panel to see letters of support and, when relevant, confirmation that appropriate permissions are secured.