Who is a Distinguished Artist
Individuals or organizations may nominate an artist, artist collective, or arts builder and supporter for a Distinguished Artist Award. (Self-nominations, posthumous nominations, and nominations from family members, however, will not be considered.)
Nominations for the 2025 Distinguished Artist Award will be accepted between November 15, 2024 and March 31, 2025.
To prepare for the nomination:
- Ensure the nominee is a Canadian citizen, lives in Alberta, or has had a significant connection to the Alberta arts scene over time.
- Speak to your nominee, let them know you will be nominating them, ask for a current CV and have them complete and sign the Nominee Information Release and Consent Form. When completed, have your nominee return the signed form to you, the nominator. This is one of the required documents you will include with your Distinguished Artist Award Nomination.
- Write a document of no more than three pages, single spaced, explaining why this nominee merits Alberta’s top recognition for artistic achievements and/or contribution to advancing their artistic discipline. If the nominee does not currently reside in Alberta, clearly outline their connection to Alberta and their contributions to growing our province’s arts and culture.
- Complete all the fields of the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta 2025 Distinguished Artist Award Nomination.
- Contact administrator@artsawards.ca with any questions regarding the Distinguished Artist Award 2025 nomination process.

Up to three awards of $30,000 each are awarded every other year (odd years). Recipients also receive a hand-cast medal, a pin, a framed citation, and, where appropriate, a two-week residency at The Banff Centre Leighton Artists Studios. For full details and nomination process visit artsawards.ca
Any personal information provided in a request to post a listing on the AFA newsfeed, or in the listing itself, will be used for the purpose of posting to the AFA’s newsfeed, administering the AFA’s website and providing individuals and organizations with information on AFA programs and events. Such information is collected under the authority of section 33 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and is protected by the privacy provisions of the Act. Should you have any questions about the collection of this information, you may contact Aaron Talbot, Arts Services Consultant – Communications, at 780-289-3781.
If you would like to share arts opportunities, events, or other community arts news through the AFA website, please submit a story using the form below. New posts are featured on the front page of the AFA website, and staff will typically publish new posts within a week.
Please follow instructions closely, especially those related to publishing an image, for quicker turnaround time. (Don't forget to provide details like deadline dates, contact information, time of event or address, or website where folks can find more information.)
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