- All listings submitted will be reviewed by the AFA before being published on the website newsfeed.
- The AFA may request additional information about the listing or the individual or organization providing the submission before posting. For listings directed towards youth, or related to arts opportunities for young people, AFA may request that individuals requesting posting provide a criminal record check and vulnerable sector check (but the AFA is not obligated to perform these checks).
- The AFA recommends that those viewing the newsfeed conduct their own research of organizations and individuals that post on the website, when listings are related to youth.
- The AFA reserves the right to edit submissions for accuracy, appropriate content, and style. Submissions that are unclear, incomplete or missing key information will not be posted.
- The AFA may, in its sole discretion, accept or deny any submissions (i.e. just because you submit does not guarantee posting).
- Unauthorized use of copyrighted images, or other proprietary content, without express permission from the owner and/or copyright holder is not permitted. If the AFA becomes aware of such unauthorized use of content in a listing, the listing will be deleted and future submissions from that user will not be accepted.
- Unauthorized use of third party contact information (i.e. names, addresses and phone numbers that are not those of the individual submitting) without express permission from the third parties is not permitted. If the AFA becomes aware of such unauthorized use of content in a listing, the listing will be deleted and future submissions from that user will not be accepted.
- The AFA may use any contact information provided with a submission to correspond with individuals /organizations about current and future AFA programs and events.
- The posting of a listing is not an endorsement by the AFA of the submitting organization or individual, or any organization or individual identified in the listing.
Individuals and organizations posting and/or viewing information on the AFA newsfeed do so at their own risk. The AFA does not guarantee the accuracy of any information posted on the newsfeed.
Further, all individuals and organizations submitting listings for posting and/or viewing listings on the AFA newsfeed (the “Users”) shall indemnify and hold harmless the AFA, its employees, agents and contractors from any and all claims, liability, losses, damages, costs and expenses arising out of their use of the AFA newsfeed and/or website. Under no circumstances, including, but not limited to negligence shall the AFA be liable for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of a User’s use of, or the inability to use the newsfeed and/or website.
Any personal information provided in a request to post a listing on the AFA newsfeed, or in the listing itself, will be used for the purpose of posting to the AFA’s newsfeed, administering the AFA’s website and providing individuals and organizations with information on AFA programs and events. Such information is collected under the authority of section 33 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and is protected by the privacy provisions of the Act. Should you have any questions about the collection of this information, you may contact: