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Participate in Statistic Canada’s survey: Everyday Well-being


Participate in Statistic Canada’s survey by March 31: Everyday Well-being

DEADLINE: March 31, 2022 - 9:00 pm

Survey Results | The New Experience Economy - Wave 6


6th and final wave of results of a long-term study to gauge Alberta audiences' attitudes towards returning to live arts and culture venues and events.

Survey Results | The New Experience Economy - Wave 1


First set of results of a long-term study to gauge Alberta audiences' attitudes towards returning to live arts and culture venues and events.

Survey Results | The New Experience Economy - Wave 3


Third wave of results of a long-term study to gauge Alberta audiences' attitudes towards returning to live arts and culture venues and events.

West Anthem Music Ecosystem Study


Study of Edmonton and Calgary recommends changes to make Alberta an internationally recognized music hub.

The Relationship Between Arts Participation and Health


A recent Hill Strategies study explores the positive relationship between Canadians’ art participation and health and well-bring.

Statistics Canada study: Financial impacts of the pandemic


On August 17, Statistics Canada published a paper on the Financial impacts of the pandemic on culture, arts, entertainment and recreation.

Arts Impact Rural Alberta


Arts Impact Rural Alberta focuses on AFA support of the arts in Alberta’s communities of 25,000 people or fewer.

AFA engagement (April 2021): What We Heard


In April 2021 the AFA sought feedback through targeted engagement on stakeholder challenges and anticipated needs to inform its 2021-22 spending plan.

IWD 2023: Canada’s population of artists led by women


On a day we celebrate the many amazing women in our communities, we focus on women in the arts.