
Public Art Galleries Operating Funding

Grant subtitle
Three-year funding for professional organizations to program and display exhibitions of visual arts.
Recipient type
Art discipline
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Public Art Galleries Operating Funding
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AFA provides funding in three-year cycles to eligible professional organizations who program and display public exhibitions of visual arts. 
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Public Art Galleries Operating Funding
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AFA provides funding in three-year cycles to eligible professional organizations who program and display public exhibitions of visual arts. 

This grant provides funding in three-year cycles to eligible professional organizations that program and display public exhibitions of visual arts. 

Who can apply

To be eligible for Public Art Galleries operating funding, you must:

  • exhibit visual works of art and provide programs in the visual arts for the general public as your organization’s principal mandate as stated in its incorporation documents
  • engage in on-going development, implementation and promotion of visual arts programming as its core primary activity in an annual program for public presentation
  • operate a gallery and/or exhibition space that:
    • is accessible to the public for at least 1,000 hours each year
    • fulfill the minimum requirements for the security and presentation of exhibited work
  • employ at least one full-time equivalent administrative and/or artistic staff member responsible for planning and directing the gallery programs

Your organization must:

  • be a not-for-profit organization
  • be registered and in good standing under the appropriate legislation and have been in operation in Alberta for at least three years
  • have at least 50% of the organization’s board members living in Alberta
  • contract with exhibiting artists and provide professional artists’ fees according to copyright legislation and schedules recommended by the Canadian Artist Representation Copyright Collective (CARCC)
  • demonstrate the ability to operate using good governance principles, effective administration practices, and a commitment to fiscal responsibility while maintaining an artistic mandate
  • operate as a stand-alone arts organization at arms-length from municipalities, commercial enterprises, or organizations and institutions receiving annual operating funds from the Government of Alberta or its affiliates
  • comply with all Canadian Arts Database (CADAC) financial and statistical data requirements
  • have a board-approved cash reserve policy

Ineligible applicants

Organizations that are engaged primarily in competition-based activity are not eligible for AFA funding.

Organizations can only receive operating funding from one AFA grant program.

First-time applicants

Eligible first-time applicants are accepted only at the beginning of each three-year cycle.

If this is your organization’s first application for Public Art Galleries operating funding, you must contact us at least three months before the deadline for a preliminary eligibility assessment to ensure your organization meets the eligibility criteria.

As a first-time applicant, your organization must have met all eligibility requirements for the three annual fiscal periods prior to application. You must also provide board-approved financial statements that demonstrate the organization has positive net assets and has been operating with no annual deficit for each of these three fiscal periods.

What does this funding support?

This funding is designed to support your organization’s operations, which are specific to your organization’s mandate, strategic and/or business plan and activities as described in your application and/or reporting.

AFA operating funding typically supports expenses such as:

  • administration
  • programming
  • salaries and fees
  • maintenance of equipment and fixed assets
  • promotion
  • other expenses as required to fulfill your organization’s mandate
How to apply

We only accept applications through the Grant Administration Tracking and Evaluation (GATE) Front Office online application system.

We must receive your online application through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the deadline date, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so that the AFA receives notification of your submission before the deadline falls.

GATE Front Office username registration

First-time applicants will require a GATE Front Office username and password. Requests must be received at least five business days prior to the application deadline.

Please complete the GATE Front Office Registration form and email it as an attachment to

GATE Front Office usernames and passwords will be sent to the email addresses provide on the registration form.

What to include in your application

For detailed step-by-step instructions, please download the GATE Front Office user guide.

GATE Front Office online forms:

  • an Application Contact List which designates one contact as your organization’s primary contact and signing authority for this application 
  • your organization’s street address and mailing address 
  • your organization’s registration details, including legal name, Alberta Registration number and incorporation date
  • CADAC number for your organization’s last three years of financial and statistical data
  • an Organization Applicant Agreement, which must be agreed to by your organization’s Signing Authority
  • a current board list, which includes names and titles, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and start dates for all current members
  • a completed Community Derived Revenue Calculation form, using the data from the corresponding lines from CADAC
  • a completed Diligence Questionnaire


Attachments must be developed prior to application, using either original documents specific to your organization or preformatted AFA templates, and uploaded to your online GATE Front Office submission.

You’ll be required to complete and upload the following attachments:

  • your organization’s current, board-approved business or strategic plan
  • a copy of your organization’s Cash Reserve Policy
  • Governance Principles
  • a listing of planned activities for the coming year
  • a current list of your organization's core staff and their positions 
  • your most recent annual financial statements including Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenues and Expenditures, and Statement of Cash Flows
  • a confirmation of your most recent annual return from Alberta Corporate Registry

Cash Reserve Policy requirements

Your organization’s submitted Cash Reserve Policy must: 

  • be approved by your organization’s Board of Directors
  • establish a base Cash Reserve amount as a percentage of your organization’s annual operating expenditures and provide a rationale for that base amount
  • outline that the Cash Reserve be clearly identified on your organization’s annual financial statement
  • define the Cash Reserve as an unencumbered, restricted cash account that can only be accessed upon a resolution of your organization's board of Directors, approved by a majority vote
  • outline that the Cash Reserve funds may only be used to temporarily finance unforeseen operating deficits
  • outline that funds removed from the Cash Reserve must be replenished within three fiscal years from the end of the fiscal year in which the Cash Reserve funds were utilized
  • outline that any changes to the Cash Reserve policy as established, including its base amount, need prior approval by the AFA

We strongly encourage all organizations to strive for a cash reserve of no less than 10% of your organization’s average annual operating expenditures. However, we recognize that individual organizations have unique operating requirements. In considering the savings target for the Cash Reserve, your organization’s Board of Directors is expected to consider its own operating requirements and determine an appropriate target which may be more or less than 10% of average annual operating expenditures.

Eligible organizations in this funding opportunity are encouraged to consult department staff as they develop the Cash Reserve Policy and associated plan for implementation.

How will my application be assessed?

Funding awarded through this opportunity is calculated based on Community Derived Revenue (CDR). CDR is defined as an organization’s total annual revenue minus all federal, provincial and municipal government grants. 

Funding amounts are calculated in two stages:

1. First, your organization’s three-year average CDR adjusted to the following percentage tiers:

  • 22% of such CDR for organizations with a three-year average CDR equal to or greater than $750,000
  • 30% of such CDR for organizations with a three-year average CDR of less than $750,000 and equal to or more than $150,000
  • 40% of such CDR for organizations with a three-year average CDR of less than $150,000.

2. Your organization’s adjusted CDR is then divided by the sum of the adjusted CDR for all eligible Public Art Galleries organizations, and then multiplied by this funding opportunity’s budget to determine your funding allocation.

Funding for Public Art Galleries is established by the AFA Board of Directors based upon the annual AFA Budget allocated by the Government of Alberta. Department staff evaluate applications according to eligibility criteria and prepare recommendations to the board. The AFA Board of Directors reviews all funding recommendations, and all decisions are final.

When will I hear?

Grant recommendations are made to the AFA board of directors. Successful recipients will be notified upon board approval, generally between four to six months from the application deadline.


Your organization is only eligible to receive support from one AFA operating funding opportunity in any given year. Funding is intended for the activities planned for your organization’s next fiscal year based on information provided in your funding application.

Ineligible expenses for operating funding include, but are not limited to:

  • alcohol
  • amortization
  • GST expenses
  • fundraising expenses
  • bad debt and other paper losses
  • capital expenses

The AFA or our authorized representative may examine your financial and other records to ensure funding was used for its intended purpose:

  • funding recipients must return unused portions of their grant to the AFA
  • we may require your organization to return funds if reporting requirements are not met
  • if you do not meet reporting requirements, your organization may be ineligible for further funding from the AFA for a period of three years from the time the delinquency is resolved

The AFA Fair Notice Policy  applies to this funding opportunity:

  • we may cancel, suspend, reduce or demand repayment of your grant in circumstances where we are concerned with the viability of your organization

Funding Acknowledgement

Your organization must credit the AFA for financial support in any publicity prepared in relation to your organization’s activities, including electronic, print or visual material. 

  • if your organization fails to satisfy AFA recognition requirements, it may be subject to a 10% funding reduction in subsequent payments
  • subsequent infractions may result in ineligibility to apply for AFA funding opportunities

Download versions of the AFA logo and guidelines for usage.


You are required to complete and submit satisfactory interim and final reports in GATE Front Office that demonstrates that funding awarded for the previous fiscal year was spent on the activities described in the application. If your organization does not intend to continue to seek AFA operating funding, you are still required to submit a final report.

Your organization’s interim report and final reports are due April 1 each year of the three-year grant cycle. We must receive your online report through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until 11:59 p.m. on the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so we receive notification of your submission before the deadline falls.

Interim Report

GATE Front Office online forms

  • operations and programming statistical information for the year aligning with your organization’s most recent approved financial statements and that corresponds to your CADAC filing
  • current Board list


  • copies of related promotional and publicity materials for the previous year, showing compliance with recognition requirements
  • listing of completed arts activities that corresponds to your last fiscal year
  • listing of planned arts activities for your current fiscal year
  • a material change report
  • your organization’s most recent annual financial statements including Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenues and Expenditures, and Statement of Cash Flows
    • up to $25,000 requires a financial statement approved and signed by three board members, including the treasurer
    • $25,001 to $50,000 requires a Notice to Reader financial statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
    • $50,001 to $100,000 requires a Review Engagement statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
    • more than $100,000 requires an Audited financial statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
  • proof of filing for your most recent return to Alberta Corporate Registry

Final Report 

Your organization’s final report for the three-year funding cycle is due April 1 along with your new funding application. It must include the following.

GATE Front Office online forms:

  • operations and programming statistical information for the year aligning with your organization’s most recent approved financial statements


  • sample of promotional and publicity materials for the previous year, showing compliance with AFA recognition requirements
  • listing of completed art activities report aligning with your organization’s most recent approved financial statements
  • your organization’s most recent approved financial statements with Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenue and Expenditures, and Statement of Cash Flows – information must be updated in CADAC
    • Up to $25,000 requires a financial statement approved and signed by three board members, including the treasurer
    • $25,001 to $50,000 requires a Notice to Reader financial statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
    • $50,001 to $100,000 requires a Review Engagement statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
    • More than $100,000 requires an Audited financial statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
  • reviews, gallery publications, invitations and/or catalogues in which projects are mentioned.
Helpful resources

Visit the Help and Resources section of our website to:

  • download the new Front Office User Guide
  • find additional resources for organizations

Download additional resources

Deadline information

Community Support Organizations Operating Funding

Grant subtitle
Annual funding for not-for-profit community organizations that provide arts programs and services.
Recipient type
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Community Support Organizations Operating Funding
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Annual funding for not-for-profit community organizations that provide arts programs and services.
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Community Support Organizations Operating Funding
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Annual funding for not-for-profit community organizations that provide arts programs and services.

This grant provides annual funding to eligible not-for-profit community organizations that provide arts programs and services to communities, including those with limited arts opportunities.

Who can apply

To be eligible for Community Support Organizations operating funding, you must:

  • have programming in artist support and development, artist training or public participation in the arts as your organization’s principal mandate as stated in its incorporation document

Your organization must:

  • be a not-for-profit organization
  • be registered and in good standing under the appropriate legislation and have been in operation in Alberta for at least two years
  • have at least 50% of the organization’s board members living in Alberta
  • demonstrate the ability to operate using good governance principles, effective administration practices,and a commitment to fiscal responsibility while maintaining its mandate
  • operate as a stand-alone arts organization at arms-length from municipalities, commercial enterprises, or organizations and institutions receiving annual operating funds from the Government of Alberta or its affiliates

Ineligible applicants

Organizations that are engaged primarily in competition-based activity are not eligible for AFA funding.

First-time applicants

If this is your organization’s first application for AFA Community Support Organizations operating funding, you must contact the AFA at least three months before the deadline for a preliminary eligibility assessment.

As a first-time applicant, your organization must provide approved financial statements that demonstrate the organization has positive net assets for the two annual fiscal periods immediately prior to application.

What does this funding support?

This funding is designed to support your organization’s operations, which are specific to your organization’s mandate, strategic and/or business plan and activities as described in your application and/or reporting.

AFA operating funding typically supports expenses such as:

  • administration
  • programming
  • salaries and fees
  • maintenance of equipment and fixed assets
  • promotion
  • other expenses as required to fulfill your organization’s mandate
How to apply

We only accept applications through the Grant Administration Tracking and Evaluation (GATE) Front Office online application system.

We must receive your online application through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the deadline date, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so that the AFA receives notification of your submission before the deadline falls.

GATE Front Office username registration

First-time applicants will require a GATE Front Office username and password. Requests must be received at least five business days prior to the application deadline.

Please complete the GATE Front Office Registration form. Return as an email attachment to, quoting the funding opportunity or grant program to which you are applying.

GATE Front Office usernames and passwords will be sent to the email addresses provided on the registration form.

What to include in your application

For detailed step-by-step instructions, please download the GATE Front Office user guide.

GATE Front Office online formlets:

  • Contact List: Includes the primary contact for your application and signing authority for your organization
  • Applicant Contact Information: Includes street and mailing address
  • Organization Information: Includes the organization’s legal name, Alberta Registration number, incorporation date, and fiscal year-end
  • Organization Applicant Agreement: Includes the name and position of your legal signing authority
  • Current Board List: Includes names, titles, mailing addresses, contact information, and start dates for all current board members
  • Statement of Eligible Expenses: Using data from your most recent, board-approved financial statements, includes total expenses (eligible and ineligible), revenue, government grants, and membership information
  • Diligence Questionnaire: Ask questions about your programming, financial management, and stewardship


Attachments must be developed prior to application, using either original documents specific to your organization or preformatted AFA templates, and uploaded to your online GATE Front Office submission.

You’ll be required to complete and upload the following attachments:

How will my application be assessed?

Funding awarded through this opportunity is calculated for each organization through two components:

  • your organization’s eligible expenses
  • equitable distribution of available funds to all eligible applicants

Funding for Community Support Organizations is established by the AFA Board of Directors based upon the annual AFA Budget allocated by the Government of Alberta. Department staff evaluate applications according to eligibility criteria and prepare recommendations to the board. The AFA Board of Directors reviews all funding recommendations, and all decisions are final.

When will I hear?

Grant recommendations are made to the AFA board of directors. Successful recipients will be notified upon board approval, generally between four to six months from the application deadline.


Your organization is only eligible to receive support from one AFA operating funding opportunity in any given year. Funding is intended for the activities planned for your organization’s next fiscal year, based on information provided in your funding application.

Ineligible expenses for operating funding include, but are not limited to:

  • alcohol
  • amortization
  • GST expenses
  • fundraising expenses
  • bad debt and other paper losses
  • capital expenses
  • other non-cash or in-kind expenditures

The AFA or our authorized representative may examine your financial and other records to ensure funding was used for its intended purpose:

  • funding recipients must return unused portions of their grant to the AFA
  • we may require your organization to return funds if reporting requirements are not met
  • if you do not meet reporting requirements, your organization may be ineligible for further funding from the AFA for a period of three years from the time the delinquency is resolved

The AFA Fair Notice Policy applies to this funding opportunity:

  • we may cancel, suspend, reduce or demand repayment of your grant in circumstances where we are concerned with the viability of your organization

Funding acknowledgement 

Your organization must credit the AFA for financial support in any publicity prepared in relation to your organization’s activities, including electronic, print or visual material. 

  • if your organization fails to satisfy AFA recognition requirements, it may be subject to a 10% funding reduction in subsequent payments
  • subsequent infractions may result in ineligibility to apply for AFA funding opportunities

Download versions of the AFA logo and guidelines for usage.


You are required to complete and submit a satisfactory final report in GATE Front Office that demonstrates that funding awarded for the previous fiscal year was spent on the activities described in the application.

Your final report is due March 1.

We must receive your online report through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until 11:59 p.m. on the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so we receive notification of your submission before the deadline falls.

Your organization’s final report must include:

GATE Front Office online formlets:

  • Statistical Report: Aligned with your organization’s most recent signed, board-approved financial statements and fiscal year end


  • Your organization’s most recent financial statements with Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenue and Expenditures, and Statement of Cash Flows; if your AFA grant was:
    • $25,000 or less, you must include at minimum a financial statement approved and signed by two board members plus your treasurer
    • $25,001 to $50,000, you must include at minimum a Notice to Reader financial statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
    • $50,001 to $100,000, you must include at minimum a Review Engagement financial statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
    • $100,001 or higher, you must include a full Audited financial statement provided by an independent, professional designated accountant
  • Copies of promotional and publicity materials from the previous year, showing compliance with AFA recognition requirements (scanned into one PDF file of no more than 4 MB)
Helpful resources

Visit the Help and Resources section of our website to:

  • download the new Front Office User Guide
  • find additional resources for organizations

You may wish to download the following resources to include as attachments with your application or final report.

For payment, you must attach a completed Direct deposit form or void cheque as part of your application:

  • Direct deposit form 
  • please note that void cheques must include the legal name and address of the organization
Deadline information

Provincial Arts Service Organizations Operating Funding

Grant subtitle
Three-year funding for member-based orgs who provide educational, promotional, and advocacy services
Select staff contact
Recipient type
Art discipline
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Provincial Arts Service Organizations Operational Funding
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Three-year funding for member-based orgs who provide educational, promotional, and advocacy services
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Provincial Arts Service Organizations Operational Funding
Twitter description
Three-year funding for member-based orgs who provide educational, promotional, and advocacy services

This grant provides funding in three-year cycles to eligible member-based arts organizations that provide educational, resource-based, promotional and advocacy services as the umbrella organization for an artistic discipline or sector in the province.

Who can apply

To be eligible for Provincial Arts Service Organizations operating funding, you must:

  • have the promotion of an artistic discipline or sector as your organization’s principal mandate as stated in its incorporation documents
  • engage in on-going development of, support for, and advocacy on behalf of that discipline or sector as its core primary activity
  • serve a province-wide membership of both individuals and organizations
  • derive revenue from sources other than the AFA
  • maintain a provincial office with staff that is accessible to the membership
  • engage in regular communication to the membership
  • offer regular programs and development opportunities for the artistic discipline or sector
  • advocate at the provincial level on behalf of the artistic discipline or sector

Your organization must:

  • be a not-for-profit organization
  • be registered and in good standing under the appropriate legislation and have been in operation in Alberta for at least two years
  • have at least 50% of the organization’s board members living in Alberta
  • employ an Executive Director or equivalent
  • demonstrate the ability to operate using good governance principles, effective administration practices, and a commitment to fiscal responsibility while maintaining its mandate
  • operate as a stand-alone arts organization at arms-length from municipalities, commercial enterprises, or organizations and institutions receiving annual operating funds from the Government of Alberta or its affiliates
  • comply with all Canadian Arts Database (CADAC) financial and statistical requirements
  • have a board-approved cash reserve policy

Ineligible applicants

Organizations that are engaged primarily in competition-based activity are not eligible for AFA funding.

First-time applicants

If this is your organization’s first application for AFA Provincial Arts Service Organizations operating funding, you must contact the AFA at least three months before the deadline for a preliminary eligibility assessment.

Eligible first-time applicants will be accepted only at the beginning of each three-year cycle.

As a first-time applicant, your organization must provide approved financial statements that demonstrate the organization has positive net assets for the three annual fiscal periods immediately prior to application.

What does this funding support?

This funding is designed to support your organization’s operations, which are specific to your organization’s mandate, strategic and/or business plan and activities as described in your application and/or reporting.

AFA operating funding typically supports expenses such as:

  • administration
  • programming
  • salaries and fees
  • maintenance of equipment and fixed assets
  • promotion
  • other expenses as required to fulfill your organization’s mandate
How to apply

We only accept applications through the Grant Administration Tracking and Evaluation (GATE) Front Office online application system. 

We must receive your online application through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the deadline date,  unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so that the AFA receives notification of your submission before the deadline falls.

GATE Front Office username registration

First-time applicants will require a GATE Front Office username and password. Requests must be received at least five business days prior to the application deadline.

Please complete the GATE Front Office Registration form and email it as an attachment to

GATE Front Office usernames and passwords will be sent to the email addresses provide on the registration form.

What to include in your application

For detailed step-by-step instructions, please download the GATE Front Office user guide.

GATE Front Office online forms

  • an Application Contact List which designates one contact as your organization’s primary contact and signing authority for this application
  • your organization’s street address and mailing address 
  • your organization’s registration details, including legal name, Alberta Registration number and incorporation date
  • CADAC number for your organization’s last three years of financial and statistical data
  • an Organization Applicant Agreement, which must be agreed to by your organization’s Signing Authority
  • a current board list which includes names and titles, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and start dates for all current members
  • a completed Statement of  Eligible Expenses form, using the data from the corresponding lines from CADAC, and includes both eligible and ineligible expenses as well as your organization’s membership information  
  • a completed Diligence Questionnaire


Attachments must be developed prior to application, using either original documents specific to your organization or preformatted AFA templates, and uploaded to your online GATE Front Office submission.

You’ll be required to complete and upload the following attachments:

  • a current, board-approved business or strategic plan
  • a listing of planned activities for the upcoming three-year cycle
  • your most recent annual financial statements including Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenues and Expenditures, and Statement of Cash Flows
  • a confirmation of your organization's most recent annual return from Alberta Corporate Registry
  • a current list of your organization's core staff and their positions
  • a copy of your organization’s Cash Reserve Policy

Cash Reserve Policy

Your organization’s submitted Cash Reserve Policy must: 

  • be approved by your organization’s board of Directors
  • establish a base Cash Reserve amount as a percentage of your organization’s annual operating expenditure and provide a rationale for that base amount
  • outline that the Cash Reserve be clearly identified on your organization’s annual financial statement
  • define the Cash Reserve as an unencumbered, restricted cash account that can only be accessed upon a resolution of your organization's board of Directors, approved by a majority vote
  • outline that the Cash Reserve funds may only be used to temporarily finance unforeseen operating deficits
  • outline that funds removed from the Cash Reserve must be replenished within three fiscal years from the end of the fiscal year in which the Cash Reserve funds were utilized
  • outline that the base Cash Reserve amount, once approved by the AFA, may not be reduced without prior approval by the AFA

We strongly encourage all organizations to strive for a cash reserve of no less than 10% of your organization’s average annual operating expenditures. 

However, we recognize that individual organizations have unique operating requirements. In considering the savings target for the Cash Reserve, your organization’s board of Directors is expected to consider its own operating requirements and determine an appropriate target which may be more or less than 10% of average annual operating expenditures.

Eligible organizations in this funding opportunity are encouraged to consult department staff as they develop the Cash Reserve Policy and associated plan for implementation.

How will my application be assessed?

Funding awarded through this opportunity is calculated for each organization through two components:

  • a base amount of up to $50,000 for operating expenses
  • an additional amount of up to 50 per cent of eligible expenses

Note: Recommended additional amounts are determined within the context of total available funds within the allocated Provincial Arts Service Organizations program budget.

Funding for Provincial Arts Service Organizations is established by the AFA Board of Directors based upon the annual AFA Budget allocated by the Government of Alberta. Department staff evaluate applications according to eligibility criteria and prepare recommendations to the board.

An Expert Panel makes funding recommendations over and above the base amount to your organization. The Expert Panel is convened by department staff and is comprised of representatives from the arts and/or not-for-profit community. Expert Panel assessment is based on your organization’s governance practices, fiscal responsibility and arts mandate. They will consider your organization’s demonstrated successes in providing ongoing development of, support for, and advocacy on behalf of your identified arts discipline or sector and your strategies for the future.

The AFA Board of Directors reviews all funding recommendations, and all decisions are final.

When will I hear?

Grant recommendations are made to the AFA board of directors. Successful recipients will be notified upon board approval, generally between four to six months from the application deadline.


Your organization is only eligible to receive support from one AFA operating funding opportunity in any given year. Funding is intended for the activities planned for your organization’s next fiscal year based on information provided in your funding application.

Ineligible expenses for AFA operating funding include, but are not limited to:

  • alcohol
  • amortization
  • GST expenses
  • fundraising expenses
  • bad debt and other paper losses
  • capital expenses

The AFA or our authorized representative may examine your financial and other records to ensure funding was used for its intended purpose:

  • funding recipients must return unused portions of their grant to the AFA
  • we may require your organization to return funds if reporting requirements are not met
  • if you do not meet reporting requirements, your organization may be ineligible for further funding from the AFA for a period of three years from the time the delinquency is resolved

The AFA Fair Notice Policy  applies to this funding opportunity. We may cancel, suspend, reduce or demand repayment of your grant in circumstances where we are concerned with the viability of your organization.

Funding acknowledgement

Your organization must credit the AFA for financial support in any publicity prepared in relation to your organization’s activities, including electronic, print or visual material.

  • if your organization fails to satisfy AFA recognition requirements, it may be subject to a 10% funding reduction in subsequent payments.
  • subsequent infractions may result in ineligibility to apply for AFA funding opportunities

Download versions of the AFA logo and guidelines for usage.


You are required to complete and submit satisfactory interim and final reports in GATE Front Office that demonstrate awarded funding from the previous fiscal year was spent on the activities described in your application.

As per the conditions of your grant agreement, reporting is mandatory. If your organization fails to meet reporting requirements, it may be ineligible for further funding from the AFA for a period of three years from the time any delinquency is resolved.

If your organization does not intend to continue to seek AFA operating funding in the future, you are still required to submit a final report.

Reports are due yearly on February 1 throughout the three-year grant cycle and as outlined in your successful notification letter. Your reports must be submitted through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the respective due dates. If the report deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend, it will be extended until 11:59 p.m. on the next business day.

Please give the system time to process your submission so we receive notification of receipt of your report before the deadline falls.

Interim Report

Interim reports are required at the end of years one and two of your grant agreement and require the completion of GATE Front Office formlets and the upload of several attachments. It is recommended you prepare your attachments as PDF documents prior to starting your report. Applicable templates are available for download under the Helpful Resources section of the guidelines.

GATE Front Office formlets:

  • Statistical Report: Aligned with your organization’s most recently completed fiscal year end and its board-approved financial statements
  • Statement of Eligible Expenses: Aligned with your organization’s CADAC filing for its most recently completed fiscal year
  • Current Board List: Including executive details of all current board members


  • Copies of related promotional and publicity materials form the most recently completed fiscal year, showing compliance with AFA recognition requirements (scanned into one PDF file of no more than 4 MB)
  • Detailed budget for the current or upcoming fiscal year
  • Listing of completed arts activities from your most recently completed fiscal year, using the provided template
  • Listing of planned arts activities for your current or upcoming fiscal year, using the provided template
  • Material Change Report, using the provided template
  • Most recent approved financial statements including Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenues and Expenditures, and Statement of Cash Flows. Accepted financial statements are determined by your most recent grant payment and must correspond to the following:
    • Grants up to $25,000 require a financial statement approved and signed by three board members (including the Treasurer)
    • Grants of $25,001 to $50,000 require a Notice to Reader financial statement provided by an independent, professionally-designated accountant
    • Grants of $50,001 to $100,000 require a Review Engagement financial statement provide by an independent, professionally-designated accountant
    • Grants of more than $100,000 require an Audited financial statement provided by an independent, professionally-designated accountant
  • Confirmation of filing of your most recent return from Alberta Corporate Registry

Final Report

Final reports are required at the end of year three of your grant agreement and require the completion of GATE Front Office forms and the upload of two attachments. It is recommended you prepare your attachments as PDF documents prior to starting your report.

GATE Front Office online forms:

  • Statistical Report: Aligned with your organization’s most recently completed fiscal year end and its board-approved financial statements

Attachments (applicable templates are available under the Helpful Resources section)

  • Most recent approved financial statements including Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenues and Expenditures, and Statement of Cash Flows. Accepted financial statements are determined by your most recent grant payment and must correspond to the following:
    • Grants up to $25,000 require a financial statement approved and signed by three board members (including the Treasurer)
    • Grants of $25,001 to $50,000 require a Notice to Reader financial statement provided by an independent, professionally-designated accountant
    • Grants of $50,001 to $100,000 require a Review Engagement financial statement provide by an independent, professionally-designated accountant
    • Grants of more than $100,000 require an Audited financial statement provided by an independent, professionally-designated accountant
  • Copies of related promotional and publicity materials form the most recently completed fiscal year, showing compliance with AFA recognition requirements (scanned into one PDF file of no more than 4 MB)
Helpful resources

Visit the Help and Resources section of our website to:

  • download the new Front Office User Guide
  • find additional resources for organizations

Download additional resources

Deadline information

Community Performing Arts Organizations Operating Funding

Grant subtitle
Funding for not-for-profit community orgs that self-create and produce performing art productions.
Recipient type
Art discipline
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Facebook title
Community Performing Arts Organizations Operating Funding
Facebook description
Funding for not-for-profit community orgs that self-create and produce performing art productions.
Twitter title
Community Performing Arts Organizations Operating Funding
Twitter description
Funding for not-for-profit community orgs that self-create and produce performing art productions.

This grant provides annual funding to eligible not-for-profit community organizations that self-create and self-produce performing art productions.

Who can apply

To be eligible for Community Performing Arts Organizations operating funding, you must:

  • be engaged in creating and producing in the performing arts as your organization’s principal mandate as stated in its incorporation document

Your organization must:

  • be a not-for-profit organization
  • be registered and in good standing under the appropriate legislation and have been in operation in Alberta for at least two years
  • have at least 50% of the organization’s board members living in Alberta
  • demonstrate the ability to operate using good governance principles, effective administration practices,and a commitment to fiscal responsibility while maintaining its mandate
  • operate as a stand-alone arts organization at arms-length from municipalities, commercial enterprises, or organizations and institutions receiving annual operating funds from the Government of Alberta or its affiliates

Ineligible applicants

Organizations that are engaged primarily in competition-based activity are not eligible for AFA funding.

First-time applicants

If this is your organization’s first application for AFA Community Performing Arts Organizations operating funding, you must contact the AFA at least three months before the deadline for a preliminary eligibility assessment.

As a first-time applicant, your organization must provide approved financial statements that demonstrate the organization has positive net assets for the two annual fiscal periods immediately prior to application.

What does this funding support?

This funding is designed to support your organization’s operations, which are specific to your organization’s mandate, strategic and/or business plan and activities as described in your application and/or reporting.

AFA operating funding typically supports expenses such as:

  • administration
  • programming
  • salaries and fees
  • maintenance of equipment and fixed assets
  • promotion
  • other expenses as required to fulfill your organization’s mandate
How to apply

We only accept applications through the Grant Administration Tracking and Evaluation (GATE) Front Office online application system.

We must receive your online application through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the deadline date,  unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so that the AFA receives notification of your submission before the deadline falls.

GATE Front Office username registration

First-time applicants will require a GATE Front Office username and password. Requests must be received at least five business days prior to the application deadline.

Please complete the GATE Front Office Registration form and email it as an attachment to

GATE Front Office usernames and passwords will be sent to the email addresses provide on the registration form.

What to include in your application

For detailed step-by-step instructions, please download the GATE Front Office user guide.

GATE Front Office online forms

  • Contact Information which includes street and mailing address, primary and secondary contact names, phone numbers and email adresses
  • Organization Information, which includes the organization's legal name, Alberta Registration number and incorporation date and fiscal year-end
  • Applicant Agreement which includes the name and position of your legal signing authority
  • Current Board List which includes names, titles, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and start dates for all current members
  • Community Derived Revenue (CDR), using the data from the most recent, approved financial statements, which includes total expenses, revenue and government grants
  • Diligence Questionnaire, which asks questions about your programming, financial management and stewardship


Attachments must be developed prior to application, using either original documents specific to your organization or preformatted AFA templates, and uploaded to your online GATE Front Office submission.

You’ll be required to complete and upload the following attachments:

  • a list of planned activities for the coming year:
  • your most recent annual financial statements including Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenues and Expenditures, and Statement of Cash Flows
  • most recent annual return from Alberta Corporate Registry
  • void cheque or direct deposit form, if desired (not mandatory)
How will my application be assessed?

Funding awarded through this opportunity is calculated based on Community Derived Revenue (CDR). CDR is defined as an organization’s total annual revenue minus all federal, provincial and municipal government grants. Your organization’s CDR is then divided by the sum of the CDRs for all eligible Community Performing Arts Organizations, and then multiplied by this funding opportunity’s budget to determine your funding allocation. 

Funding for Community Performing Arts Organizations is established by the AFA Board of Directors based on the annual AFA Budget allocated by the Government of Alberta. Department staff evaluate applications according to eligibility criteria and prepare recommendations to the board.

The AFA Board of Directors reviews all funding recommendations, and all decisions are final.

When will I hear?

Grant recommendations are made to the AFA board of directors. Successful recipients will be notified upon board approval, generally between four to six months from the application deadline.


Your organization is only eligible to receive support from one AFA operating funding opportunity in any given year. Funding is intended for the activities planned for your organization’s next fiscal year based on information provided in your funding application.

Ineligible expenses for AFA operating funding include, but are not limited to:

  • alcohol
  • amortization
  • GST expenses
  • fundraising expenses
  • bad debt and other paper losses
  • capital expenses

The AFA or our authorized representative may examine your financial and other records to ensure funding was used for its intended purpose:

  • funding recipients must return unused portions of their grant to the AFA
  • we may require your organization to return funds if reporting requirements are not met
  • if you do not meet reporting requirements, your organization may be ineligible for further funding from the AFA for a period of three years from the time the delinquency is resolved

The AFA Fair Notice Policy applies to this funding opportunity:

  • we may cancel, suspend, reduce or demand repayment of your grant in circumstances where we are concerned with the viability of your organization

Funding acknowledgement

Your organization must credit the AFA for financial support in any publicity prepared in relation to your organization’s activities, including electronic, print or visual material. 

  • if your organization fails to satisfy AFA recognition requirements, it may be subject to a 10% funding reduction in subsequent payments
  • subsequent infractions may result in ineligibility to apply for AFA funding opportunities

Download versions of the AFA logo and guidelines for usage.



You are required to complete and submit a satisfactory final report in GATE Front Office that demonstrates that funding awarded for the previous fiscal year was spent on the activities described in the application.

Your final report is due October 1.

We must receive your online report through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 pm Mountain Time, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until 11:59 pm on the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so we receive notification of your submission before the deadline falls.

Your organization’s final report must include:

GATE Front Office online forms

  • Statistical Report, aligned with your organization’s most recent approved financial statements


  • list of completed art activities aligned with your organization’s most recent approved financial statements
  • copies of promotional and publicity materials from the previous year, showing compliance with AFA recognition requirements (scanned into one PDF and uploaded)
  • your organization’s most recent approved financial statements with Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenue and Expenditures and Statement of Cash Flows
    • up to $25,000 requires a financial statement approved and signed by three board members, including the treasurer 
    • $25,001 to $50,000 requires a Notice to Reader financial statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
    • $50,001 to $100,000 requires a Review Engagement statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
    • more than $100,000 requires an Audited financial statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant. 
Helpful resources

Visit the Help and Resources section of our website to:

  • download the new Front Office User Guide
  • find additional resources for organizations

You may wish to download the following resources to include as attachments with your application or final report.

Should your organization wish to receive payment through direct deposit, please use the Direct Deposit form:

Deadline information

Artists and Education Funding

Grant subtitle
This funding subsidizes fees of Alberta artists that provide arts residency projects for grades K-12
Recipient type
Art discipline
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Artists and Education Funding
Facebook description
This funding subsidizes fees of Alberta artists that provide arts residency projects for grades K-12
Twitter title
Artists and Education Funding
Twitter description
This funding subsidizes fees of Alberta artists that provide arts residency projects for grades K-12

This funding supports Alberta schools by subsidizing fees of professional Alberta artists of any artistic discipline that provide interactive arts residency projects for grades K-12.

Who can apply

To be eligible for this funding, applicants must be:

  • an Alberta school or school jurisdiction recognized by Alberta Education 
  • operating on a full-time basis
  • for students in kindergarten through Grade 12

Two or more eligible schools may apply to collaborate on a project when school populations, locations or conditions warrant.

What does this funding support?

The May deadline is for projects taking place in the next school year.

Eligible residency projects must meet the following criteria:

  • engage either an Alberta-based individual artist, or a group of artists working together in any artistic discipline who has school residency experience to deliver a program
  • provide students access to Alberta's professional artists and their work
  • provide an opportunity for students to observe and actively participate in the creative process
  • encourage students to discover and express their creative potential
  • take place on school property during school hours
  • be five hours to thirty days in duration
  • be completed within three months of its commencement date

Eligible expenses

The maximum grant will not exceed $15,000.

  • schools located in the following jurisdictions can apply for up to 50% of the artist's fee (excluding GST)
    • Edmonton
    • St. Albert
    • Sherwood Park
    • Fort Saskatchewan
    • Leduc
    • Spruce Grove
    • Stony Plain
    • Calgary
    • Airdrie
    • Okotoks
    • Strathmore
    • Chestermere
    • Cochrane
  • all other jurisdictions can apply for up to 75% of the artist's fee (excluding GST)

Artist's fee may include travel, accommodation, meal expenses and non-reusable materials required for the proposed activity (e.g. paint, paper, clay, wood, data storage).

Ineligible expenses

Expenses and activities that are ineligible for AFA funding include:

  • activity undertaken before an application is submitted to this project grant stream.
  • activities by applied arts (culinary, architecture, graphic arts, commercial photography, gaming), commercial variety acts (face painting, balloon entertainers, fireworks/pyrotechnics, hypnotism), competitive performances and activities at social events
How to apply

We only accept applications through the Grant Administration Tracking and Evaluation (GATE) Front Office online application system.  

We must receive your online application through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the deadline date, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so that the AFA receives notification of your submission before the deadline falls.

  • applicants may submit only one application to the AFA each deadline
  • previous grant recipients must have met reporting requirements in order to be eligible to receive subsequent funding
  • we do not accept incomplete applications
  • applications must be received prior to the commencement of the project
  • projects involving more than one school must be submitted by the primary applicant school; separate school applications for the same project will not be accepted

GATE Front Office username registration

First-time applicants will require a GATE Front Office username and password. Requests must be received at least five business days prior to the application deadline.

Please complete the GATE Front Office Registration form and email it as an attachment to

GATE Front Office usernames and passwords will be sent to the email addresses provide on the registration form.

What to include in your application

For detailed step-by-step instructions, please download the GATE Front Office user guide.

First, complete the GATE Front Office Applicant Profile section with all required information.

GATE Front Office online forms

  • contact list: Current, complete contact information for the primary applicant
  • applicant contact information: full name and street address
  • organization information: organization registration information
  • project description: A brief project description, indicating the nature of the work to be done and project start and end dates
  • principal artists: A listing of the principal artists involved in the project, their position or role, and their province of residence
  • organization applicant agreement:  A completed Applicant Agreement including the declaration of the primary applicant or designate
  • artist and education grant calculation: include the amount stated on line A of the Artist Fee Confirmation Form attachment


Attachments must be developed prior to application, using either original documents specific to your organization or preformatted AFA templates, and uploaded to your online GATE Front Office submission.

  • all video and audio files must be Windows compatible.
  • wherever possible, support material should be uploaded as an attachment into GATE Front Office (up to 4 MB)
  • if your support material is too large to upload, please mail a hard copy CD or USB to 10708 – 105 Ave, Edmonton, AB, T5H 0A1. Please include your first name, last name and project number on the CD or USB

The GATE Front Office attachment section indicates that not all attachments are required for submission. This is because they are only required for certain types of projects (e.g. marketing plan for a marketing project). It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all attachments noted in the guidelines are submitted with their application.

You’ll be required to complete and upload the following attachments in PDF format:

  • artist fee confirmation form attachment. Both school and artist complete must sign this form. Attach the completed artist fee confirmation form to the GATE Front Office online application.
  • a resume of the artist/company outlining their professional arts background, including training and any previous experience in school residency projects. Attach artist resume to GATE Front Office online application
  • a detailed project description developed by the school and the artist collaboratively that clearly describes the planned arts activities, including: 
    • a profile of the school, including the community it serves and any special programs or services provided
    • the nature of student involvement in the arts activities and their level of exposure to and engagement in the creative process
    • the length of time the artist will spend in the school, and a detailed schedule of the residency project
    • the number of students and grade levels involved in the residency project
    • any teacher in-services activity
    • an outline of the project objectives, including any appropriate links to the curriculum
    • expected results and benefits to students, teachers, and/or the community

Applicants may be asked for additional information.

Schools may apply for a maximum of one residency project per school year.

How will my application be assessed?

Staff convene an expert panel to consider all eligible grant applications submitted to each grant deadline. The expert panel assesses the merit of each application both on its own terms and in relation to all other applications received for a given deadline.

Assessment of a project is based on the following general criteria

  • artistic vision and merit of the project
  • demonstrated school commitment and involvement in the project
  • demonstrated benefits to students
  • exposure to and involvement of students in the creative process
  • demonstrated qualifications of the artist, both as a practicing professional artist and in delivering arts programming to youth
  • the appropriateness of the project expense

Other criteria that may be given priority include:

  • high-needs schools
  • schools with low enrollment
  • schools that have not previously received funding for an Artists and Education residency
  • the impact of the project on the community

All expert panel recommendations are reviewed by the AFA at their June board meeting and all decisions are final. Funding is not assured for any project.

Learn more about expert panels and how the AFA adjudicates funding requests for all programs.

When will I hear?

Grant recommendations are made to the AFA board of directors. Successful recipients will be notified upon board approval, generally between four to six months from the application deadline.


Funding is intended for the purposes described in your application. By accepting funding, you agree to undertake the project as proposed in your original project description.

If you do not receive the full grant amount requested, you are still required to complete the project as proposed if you accept the grant:

  • you must return the grant funds if the project cannot be completed as proposed

If you require a change to your project including outcomes, location or an extension to your final report due date:

  • you must submit a request in writing for approval by the AFA
  • the request must be submitted prior to the change being made and/or before your final report is due
  • the AFA may consider a single extension per funding opportunity

Funding recipients are responsible for informing the AFA of how funds were spent and outcomes of the project:

  • you must return funds if reporting requirements are not met
  • you must return unused portions of funding to the AFA

Any grant recipient that does not provide a report will be ineligible for further funding from the AFA for a period of three years from the time the delinquency is resolved.

The AFA will retain all materials submitted with grant applications.

The AFA, or its authorized representative, may examine the applicant's financial and other records to ensure that the grant is being, or was used for its intended purpose.

The AFA does not provide advances for any grant.

Funding acknowledgement

Whenever possible, you must acknowledge the AFA for financial support in any publicity prepared in relation to the project, including electronic, print or visual material.

Download versions of the AFA logo and guidelines for usage.

A minimum reduction of 10% will be applied to the subsequent grant of any organization that does not satisfy the AFA recognition requirements.


The final report is due on the date noted in the successful notification document, as determined by the project completion date set by the school,

The final report must include:

  • project information: a summary of the residency and results in relation to the original objectives
  • participation and project outcomes: a summary of program outputs and highlights
  • experience learned

And please attach:

  • an artist invoice: proof of the school’s artist fee payment . The invoice should clearly state amount of artist fee paid plus GST (shown separately)
  • any promotional materials that recognize the funding support of the AFA or any other promotional or publicity materials, school newsletter, etc. that may have been generated from the residency project (if applicable)
Helpful resources

Schools can find a resource listing of some of Alberta's professional artists at the Arts Touring Alliance of Alberta's Young Artist directory. Schools are not required to choose an artist from this list.

Visit the Help and Resources section of our website to:

  • download the new Front Office User Guide
  • find additional resources for organizations

You may be required to download the following resources to include as attachments with your application or final report.

Project grant recommendations are made by Expert Panels. Their comments can be useful tips to help you improve your application.

Should your organization wish to receive payment through direct deposit, please use the Direct Deposit form:

Deadline information

Arts Presenting Project Funding

Grant subtitle
Funding supporting the public presentation of professional artists by reimbursing a portion of fees.
Recipient type
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Facebook title
Arts Presenting Project Funding
Facebook description
Funding supporting the public presentation of professional artists by reimbursing a portion of fees.
Twitter title
Arts Presenting Project Funding
Twitter description
Funding supporting the public presentation of professional artists by reimbursing a portion of fees.

This funding supports the public presentation of professional artists by reimbursing a portion of professional artists' fees for the preceding year. 

Who can apply

To be eligible for this funding, applicants must be one of the following:

  • registered not-for-profit organizations
  • churches
  • library boards
  • Indian Bands as defined by the Indian Act R.S.C. 1985, C.I-5
  • Métis Settlements recognized under the Métis Settlements Act R.S.A. 2000, C.M14
  • organizations registered under the Agriculture Societies Act
  • organizations recognized under the Post-Secondary Institutions Act (by Faculty or Department)

Organizations must also:

  • be registered and in good standing in Alberta under the appropriate legislation for at least one year prior to the deadline
  • be in good standing with the AFA with no outstanding reporting requirements
  • have been in operation for at least one full year prior to the deadline
  • have at least 50 percent of the organization's board members, or ruling council, living in the community or region where the presentations are given
  • demonstrate adherence to good governance principles, effective administration practices and commitment to fiscal responsibility
  • demonstrate financial stability, in the judgment of the AFA, for at least one year
  • operate as a stand-alone organization at arm’s length from municipalities, commercial enterprises or schools 
  • be the primary organizer and producer of the event by directly paying professional artists and/or artist-affiliated organizations (for example: artist managers or booking agents) for professional artist fees
  • have a policy of presenting at least three different touring professional artists during the twelve-month period from November 15 to November 14, immediately prior to the grant deadline
    • organizations based in rural areas with a population of less than 3,000 may apply even if fewer than three artists are presented

Partnerships between not-for-profit organizations based in the same region must apply through one primary organization. Organizations with branches or separate offices in the same municipality may submit only one application.

Post-secondary institutions may submit one application per department or faculty.

Ineligible applicants

The following organizations are ineligible for this funding:

  • municipalities
  • commercial enterprises
  • schools
  • groups that are not arm’s length from municipalities, commercial enterprises, or schools
  • organizations that are eligible for operating funding under another AFA grant stream
  • organizations that engage primarily in competition-based activity

Event partners and sponsors may not apply on behalf of the event producer, commercial organizations or other for-profit entities.

What does this funding support?

Eligible events

Events that are eligible for this funding are:

  • events that present professional touring artists who regularly tour outside their place of residence in the following arts disciplines:
    • performing arts includes music, dance, theatre, circus arts and spoken word
    • visual and new media arts includes drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, clay, glass, wood, metal, fibre and new media
    • film and video arts
    • literary arts includes fiction, literary non-fiction, poetry, screenwriting and playwriting
  • events where arts presentations, performances, readings, or exhibitions are the primary reason for the event
  • events that are available to the public through season tickets, or casual sales or free admission
  • events that at least three different touring professional artists between November 15 and November 14, immediately prior to the grant deadline
  • original live streaming events, occurring after March 12, 2020, presented through online channels or resources

Eligible artists

Grants awarded through this grant stream are based on eligible fees paid to professional artists (excluding GST). Professional artists are defined as artists that:

  • are compensated at an industry standard for their art (example: union or nationally recognized rate)
  • fulfill at least 2 of the following:
    • are recognized by the public and by their peers for their art, and have received industry recognition
    • are actively marketing their work to professional booking agents, venues and galleries
    • present, perform and/or exhibit their art for compensation on a regular basis
    • have specialized training in their field
    • have membership to a nationally or provincially recognized industry or other professional organization (e.g. ACTRA, AFM, Canadian Actors Equity Association, CARFAC, IMAA, WGC, Writers Union of Canada, etc.)
    • has received royalties or residual payments on their copyrighted works

Eligible expenses

Only fees paid directly by the applicant to the artist are eligible for consideration under this grant stream. Eligible expenses include:

  • presentation fees
  • performance fees
  • public reading fees
  • artist and curator fees for exhibition
  • screening fees
  • lectures and panel discussions by the creator, director, producer, or representative of film and video works (film festivals only)
  • transportation and accommodation for the above activities

An organization may claim artist fees for up to three presentations by the same artist or artistic act presented during the eligible grant period.

Ineligible projects

Ineligible events and activities include:

  • activities already funded through other Government of Alberta programs
  • curriculum based activities
  • pre-recorded events for distribution through online channels or resources
  • repeat presentation of previous live streamed events
  • activities related to conferences or workshops
  • competitive performances
  • entertainment or arts activity presented as part of primarily social events, including but not limited to:
    • fundraisers
    • rodeos
    • stampedes
    • grandstand performances
    • trade fairs
    • parades
    • meals
    • conventions
    • community dances
    • student union cabarets
  • activities by board members, full-time faculty, sessionals, or staff at post-secondary institutions

Ineligible expenses

For the purposes of this funding opportunity, the following fees are ineligible for project support:

  • for staff, board members, resident acts or house bands
  • for those practicing applied arts, including but not limited to:
    • culinary arts
    • architecture
    • interior design
    • graphic arts
    • commercial photography
    • gaming
    • fashion design
  • for commercial variety acts, including but not limited to:
    • face painting
    • balloon entertainers
    • fireworks/pyrotechnics
    • hypnotism
How to apply

We only accept applications through the Grant Administration Tracking and Evaluation (GATE) Front Office online application system.

We must receive your online application through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the deadline date, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so that we receive notification of your submission before the deadline falls. Applications received after 11:59 p.m. of the deadline date will be considered at the next deadline.

  • applicants may submit only one application to the AFA each deadline
  • the AFA does not accept incomplete applications
  • projects involving more than one organization must be submitted by the primary applicant organization; separate organization applications will not be accepted for the same project

GATE Front Office username registration

First-time applicants will require a GATE Front Office username and password. Requests must be received at least five business days prior to the application deadline.

Please complete the GATE Front Office Registration form and email it as an attachment to

GATE Front Office usernames and passwords will be sent to the email addresses provide on the registration form.

What to include in your application

For detailed step-by-step instructions, please download the GATE Front Office user guide.

GATE Front Office online forms

  • applicant contact information, including street and mailing address
  • contact list, including primary and secondary contact persons and signing authority designate for the application 
  • the organization’s registration details, including organization’s registered name, Alberta Registration number and incorporation date
  • an applicant agreement with e-signature of signing authority designate for the organization
  • a completed Statistical Report 
  • a listing of all current board members include the names, positions, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses
  • total number of events, artists, artist fees paid from Arts Presenting worksheet


The GATE Front Office attachment section indicates that not all attachments are required for submission. This is because they are only required for certain types of projects (e.g. marketing plan for a marketing project). It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all attachments noted in the guidelines are submitted with their application.

You’ll be required to complete and upload the following attachments:

  • Arts Presenting calculation worksheet
  • copies of all promotional materials related to the event, such as posters and programs, demonstrating compliance with AFA funding acknowledgement conditions (see "Conditions" below)
    • do not submit press clippings or videos
  • the organization's most recent annual financial statement with Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenues and Expenditures, and Statement of Cash Flows
  • a confirmation of filing of the organization's most recent annual return from Alberta Corporate Registry
  • for presentations that include public screening of film and video media, please attach written evidence of compliance with film classification regulations as outlined in the Film and Video Classification Act

Applicants may be asked for additional information.


  • all video and audio files must be Windows compatible
  • wherever possible, support material should be uploaded as an attachment into GATE Front Office (up to 4 MB)
  • if your support material is too large to upload, please mail a hard copy to 10708 – 105 Ave, Edmonton, AB, T5H 0A1
    • please include your first name, last name and project number
    • support material sent by mail must be postmarked no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the deadline date
How will my application be assessed?

Arts Presenting funding and funding maximums are established annually by the AFA board of Directors. The annual AFA budget is based upon funds allocated in the annual Government of Alberta budget. 

This grant is calculated by formula.

  • up to 65% of fees paid to Alberta artists. Ensemble members may not be separated out and residency is determined by majority of ensemble members
  • up to 50% of fees paid to Canadian artists from the rest of Canada
  • up to 50% of fees paid to International artists to a maximum of 1/3 of the eligible Canadian/Alberta subsidy. International children's artists are exempt from the restriction. Children's artists are those who primarily play to audiences where over 50% of the audience is under the age of 16 years

Staff evaluate applications according to the program grant stream criteria and prepare recommendations to the AFA board.

 Available funds are equitably distributed to all eligible applicants according to a formula.

 Funding is not assured for any project. All decisions are final.

When will I hear?

Grant recommendations are made to the AFA board of directors. Successful recipients will be notified upon board approval, generally between four to six months from the application deadline.


The AFA will retain all materials submitted with funding applications. The AFA or our authorized representative may examine a funding recipient's financial and other records to ensure that all claimed expenses were undertaken as outlined in the funding application. 

The AFA may cancel, suspend, reduce or demand repayment of funding in circumstances where the AFA is concerned with the viability of an organization as per the AFA Fair Notice policy.

The AFA does not provide advances for any grant.

Funding acknowledgement

Whenever possible, you must acknowledge the AFA for financial support in any publicity prepared in relation to the project, including electronic, print or visual material.

Download versions of the AFA logo and guidelines for usage.

A minimum reduction of 10% will be applied to the subsequent grant of any organization that does not satisfy the AFA recognition requirements.


Reporting is not required for Arts Presenting project funding.

Helpful resources

Visit the Help and Resources section of our website to:

  • download the new Front Office User Guide
  • find additional resources for organizations

You may wish to download the following resources to include as attachments with your application:

Please note that the Arts Presenting Artist fees and financial statement confirmation form is no longer required to complete your grant application. 

Should your organization wish to receive payment through direct deposit, please use the Direct Deposit form:


Deadline information

Summer School Project Funding

Grant subtitle
This funding supports organizations in delivering residence-based art summer schools.
Recipient type
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Facebook title
Summer School Project Funding
Facebook description
This funding supports organizations in delivering residence-based art summer schools.
Twitter title
Summer School Project Funding
Twitter description
This funding supports organizations in delivering residence-based art summer schools.

This funding supports organizations in delivering residence-based art summer schools that offer:

  • an arts intensive training experience in any discipline through technical skills workshops with professional artists and instructors
  • opportunities for young people from across the province to engage in the creative process
Who can apply

To be eligible for this funding, applicants must be:

  • registered not-for-profit organizations
  • registered and in good standing in Alberta under the appropriate legislation, for at least one year prior to the deadline
  • have been in operation for at least one full year prior to the deadline
  • have at least 50% of the organization’s board members, or ruling council, living in Alberta 
  • demonstrate adherence to good governance principles, efficient administration practices and commitment to fiscal responsibility 
  • demonstrate financial stability, in the judgment of the AFA, for at least one year
  • operate as a stand-alone organization at arm’s length from municipalities, commercial enterprises or schools
  • have the authority to provide residence-based programming for minors 
  • have previous experience organizing, designing and operating residence-based art programming

Previous grant recipients must have met reporting requirements in order to be eligible to receive funding.

Two or more organizations that satisfy the eligibility criteria may apply to collaborate to operate a summer arts school program. A partnership project must be submitted through one primary organization. The primary organization must designate the main contact for all requirements of the grant.

Partnership projects must demonstrate that:

  • control and responsibilities in the partnership are shared equally amongst all partners
  • knowledge and practices will be shared and exchanged for the benefit of all project partners
  • the partnership results in activity that is beyond the normal programming of partnering organizations
  • the project could not be otherwise completed without the existence of the partnership

Ineligible organizations

Ineligible organizations are:

  • municipalities
  • commercial enterprises
  • schools
  • groups that are not arm’s length from municipalities, commercial enterprises or schools
  • organizations that engage primarily in competition-based activity
What does this funding support?

Eligible summer school projects must:

  • consist of residence-based art-intensive camp programs of no less than five (5) consecutive days in length where students are provided with supervision, meals and overnight accommodation
  • take place between July 1 and August 31 
  • deliver arts programming to students ages 11-19 years 
  • provide students access to Alberta's professional artists and instructors 
  • provide a daily regime of workshops and other hands-on activities for students to learn arts skill techniques and actively engage in creative process learning 
  • provide adequate participant supervision and safety requirements 
  • deliver age-appropriate curriculum and course content 
  • encourage participants to discover and express their creative potential 
  • provide workshops and other activity in an appropriate inclusive environment 
  • encourage province-wide participation

Eligible expenses

Applicants may apply for up to 40% of eligible expenses that are directly related to carrying out the proposed project, such as:

  • administration
  • programming
  • instructor and artist fees
  • promotional costs
  • accommodation and classroom arrangements
  • equipment rental costs and related extracurricular activities
  • supervisory staff
  • course and content development
  • food and lodging
  • materials and supplies
  • other expenses considered by the AFA to be reasonable and necessary

Ineligible expenses

Expenses and activities that are ineligible for AFA funding include:

  • activities eligible for funding or already funded by AFA
  • activity undertaken before an application is submitted to this project grant stream. Projects must not start before the application is received by the AFA
  • projects or programs offered by affiliated organizations that are eligible for funding under other AFA programs 
  • expenses related to eligible projects or programs that are covered by the institution (e.g. facility costs, permanent staff salaries, overhead costs) Summer schools operated by organizations whose permanent staff contribute significantly to the administration, promotion and operation of the school can declare up to 15% of permanent staff salaries, and must include a description of the applicable work undertaken by permanent staff
  • activities by applied arts (culinary, architecture, graphic arts, commercial photography, gaming), variety acts (face painting, balloon entertainers, fireworks/pyrotechnics, hypnotism), competitive performances and activities at social events

Ineligible expenses also include, but are not limited to:

  • alcohol
  • amortization
  • GST expenses
  • fundraising expenses
  • purchases such as buildings or property, or capital development such as construction or renovations
How to apply

We only accept applications through the Grant Administration Tracking and Evaluation (GATE) Front Office online application system.

We must receive your online application through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the deadline date, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so that the AFA receives notification of your submission before the deadline falls.

GATE Front Office username registration

First-time applicants will require a GATE Front Office username and password. Requests must be received at least five business days prior to the application deadline.

Please complete the GATE Front Office Registration form and email it as an attachment to

GATE Front Office usernames and passwords will be sent to the email addresses provide on the registration form.

What to include in your application

For detailed step-by-step instructions, please download the GATE Front Office user guide.

First, complete the GATE Front Office Applicant Profile section with all required information.

GATE Front Office online forms

  • contact list: A listing of primary and secondary contact persons and signing authority designate for the application
  • applicant contact information: Street and mailing address 
  • organization information: the organization’s registration details, including Alberta Registration number, Canadian Charitable Registration number (if applicable) and incorporation date
  • organization applicant agreement: An Applicant Agreement with e-signature of signing authority designate for the organization 
  • summer school participation report: Number of Participants per Age Range and geographic area for the organization’s most recent residence-based art program
  • current board List: A list of all current members of the board of Directors, including names, titles, complete mailing addresses, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail addresses 
  • project expenses: Complete the online form providing a detailed budget in Canadian dollars, indicating all projected summer school expenditures
  • project budget:  The difference between expenditures and revenues will comprise the grant request to the AFA and cannot exceed 40% of the proposed budget.
  • project revenue: Complete the online form providing a detailed, budget in Canadian dollars, indicating all projected non-AFA revenues.


Attachments must be developed prior to application, using either original documents specific to your organization or preformatted AFA templates, and uploaded to your online GATE Front Office submission.

The GATE Front Office attachment section indicates that not all attachments are required for submission. This is because they are only required for certain types of projects (e.g. marketing plan for a marketing project). It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all attachments noted in the guidelines are submitted with their application.

You’ll be required to complete and upload the following attachments in PDF format:

  • resumes of curriculum designers, instructors, and other principal organizers (no more than four pages each) outlining their professional arts background, including training and any previous experience with delivering arts training to youth, or job descriptions if positions have yet to be filled
  • a detailed description of the arts summer school program to be offered, including:
    • list of workshops and description of arts skills training and engagement in the creative process
    • detailed daily program schedule
    • materials and supplies (if applicable)
    • number of students
    • program structure, fees and registration
    • contracting instructors, technical and participant supervisory staff
    • extra-curricular activities, if applicable
    • food and lodging arrangements
    • other logistical and administrative functions required for an arts summer school operation
  • copies of promotional material and public communications materials related to the summer school 
  • a description of the organization’s history of providing arts training programs 
  • the organization’s most recent approved annual financial statement of revenue and expenditure 
  • a confirmation of filing of the most recent return from Alberta Corporate Registry 
  • a copy of the organization’s Sexual and Workplace Harassment Policy for summer school staff and participants, with confirmation that this policy has been formally adopted within the past year
  • a marketing plan detailing province wide promotion of the program
  • for partnership projects, a copy of the contract or letter of agreement that indicates the responsibilities of each partner, and the knowledge, resources and experience that each will contribute
  • additional support materials that may assist in the assessment process. These may include but are not limited to, promotional literature, programs, or newsletters
    • all video and audio files must be Windows compatible, MP3 and MP4 files are preferred
    • wherever possible, support material should be uploaded as an attachment into GATE Front Office (up to 4 MB)
    • if your support material is too large to upload, please mail a hard copy CD or USB to 10708 – 105 Ave, Edmonton, AB, T5H 0A1. Please include your first name, last name and project number on the CD or USB

Applicants may be asked for additional information.

Applicants may submit only one application to this grant stream per arts discipline.


Applications for partnership projects must be submitted through one primary organization. The primary organization must designate the main contact for all requirements of the grant. Each organization involved in a partnership project must submit financial statements and confirmation of their corporate registries return.

How will my application be assessed?

The annual AFA budget is based upon funds allocated in the annual Government of Alberta budget and funding for this grant stream is established by the AFA board of Directors.

Staff convene an expert panel to consider all eligible grant applications submitted to each grant deadline. The expert panel assesses the merit of each application both on its own terms and in relation to all other applications received for a given deadline.

Assessment of a project is based on the following general criteria

  • merit of curriculum
  • merit of marketing plan
  • impact of the program on participants
  • applicant’s history of providing training programs
  • artistic and technical level of instructors
  • instructors level of experience teaching arts to youth  
  • appropriateness of summer school budget
  • the ability of the applicant to carry out the proposed project

The expert panel will be encouraged ensure support is provided to projects in a variety of arts disciplines. All decisions are final. Funding is not assured for any project.

Learn more about expert panels and how the AFA adjudicates funding requests for all programs.

When will I hear?

Grant recommendations are made to the AFA board of directors. Successful recipients will be notified upon board approval, generally between four to six months from the application deadline.


Funding is intended for the purposes described in your application. By accepting funding, you agree to undertake the project as proposed in your original project description.

If you do not receive the full grant amount requested, you are still required to complete the project as proposed if you accept the grant:

  • you must return the grant funds if the project cannot be completed as proposed

If you require a change to your project including outcomes, location or an extension to your final report due date:

  • you must submit a request in writing for approval by the AFA
  • the request must be submitted prior to the change being made and/or before your final report is due
  • the AFA may consider a single extension per funding opportunity

Funding recipients are responsible for informing the AFA of how funds were spent and outcomes of the project:

  • you must return funds if reporting requirements are not met
  • you must return unused portions of funding to the AFA

Any funding recipient who does not provide a report prior to the date noted in the successful notification document, or does not fulfill any conditions associated with a grant or whose report is not approved will be made delinquent and ineligible for further funding from the AFA for a period of three years from the time the delinquency is resolved.

In addition to reporting requirements, applicants may be required to provide interim activity reports, financial reports or statements and other information deemed necessary by the AFA or its representatives. The AFA, or its authorized representative, may examine the applicant's financial and other records to ensure that the grant is being, or was used for its intended purpose.

  • the AFA will retain all materials submitted with grant applications
  • the AFA does not provide advances for any grant

Funding acknowledgement

Whenever possible, you must acknowledge the AFA for financial support in any publicity prepared in relation to the project, including electronic, print or visual material.

Download versions of the AFA logo and guidelines for usage.

A minimum reduction of 10% will be applied to any subsequent grant of any organization that does not satisfy the AFA acknowledgement requirements.


You are required to complete and submit a satisfactory final report in GATE Front Office upon completion of the project by November 1 following the summer school.

The final report must include:

  • summer school participation report: online form that outlines the total number of participants and the number of participants categorized by age and geographic region
  • outcomes report:  a description of the results of the summer school, with an evaluation of its success in relation to the original objectives as stated in the application
  • financial report: showing project expenditures and income including AFA summer school grant funds 
  • copies of promotional materials in which AFA support is acknowledged
Helpful resources

Visit the Help and Resources section of our website to:

  • download the new Front Office User Guide
  • find additional resources for organizations

Should your organization wish to receive payment through direct deposit, please use the Direct Deposit form:

Deadline information

Major Arts Presenters Operating Funding

Grant subtitle
Three-year funding for professional arts organizations that produce large-scale public presentations
Recipient type
Art discipline
Preview image
Facebook title
Major Arts Presenters Operating Funding
Facebook description
AFA provides funding in three-year cycles to eligible professional organizations that produce large-scale public presentations of arts.
Twitter title
Major Arts Presenters Operating Funding
Twitter description
AFA provides funding in three-year cycles to eligible professional organizations that produce large-scale public presentations of arts.

This grant provides funding in three-year cycles to eligible professional organizations that produce large-scale public presentations of arts disciplines. 

Who can apply

Eligible Applicants

To be eligible for Major Arts Presenters operating funding, you must:

  • have artistic presentation as your organization’s principal mandate, as stated in its incorporation documents 
  • engage in on-going development, implementation and promotion of arts presenting programming as its core primary activity in an annual program of presentation of professional artists open to the public
  • employ at least one full-time equivalent administrative and/or artistic staff member who is responsible for planning and producing artistic performances and events

Your organization must:

  • be a not-for-profit organization
  • be registered  and in good standing under the appropriate legislation and have been in operation in Alberta for at least three years
  • have at least 50% of the organization’s board members living in Alberta 
  • contract with artists and pay professional artists fees at an industry standard (such as a union or nationally recognized rate) for their art where applicable to at least 75% of the artists involved in the organization’s presentation program for all performances 
  • demonstrate the ability to operate using good governance principals, effective administration practices and a commitment to fiscal responsibility while maintaining its mandate
  • operate as a stand-alone arts organization at arms-length from municipalities, commercial enterprise, or organizations and institutions receiving annual operating funds from Government of Alberta or its affiliates
  • comply with all Canadian Arts Database (CADAC) financial and statistical data requirements
  • have a board-approved cash reserve policy

Ineligible Applicants

Organizations that are engaged primarily in competition-based activity are not eligible for AFA funding.

Organizations can only receive operating funding from one AFA grant program.

First-Time Applicants

Eligible first-time applicants are accepted only at the beginning of each three-year cycle.

If this is your organization’s first application for Major Arts Presenters operating funding, you must contact us at least three months before the deadline for a preliminary eligibility assessment to ensure your organization meets the eligibility criteria.

As a first-time applicant, your organization must have met all eligibility requirements for the three annual fiscal periods prior to application. You must also provide board-approved financial statements that demonstrate the organization has positive net assets and has been operating with no annual deficit for each of these three fiscal periods.

What does this funding support?

This funding is designed to support your organization’s operations, which are specific to your organization’s mandate, strategic and/or business plan and activities as described in your application and/or reporting.

AFA operating funding typically supports expenses such as:

  • administration
  • programming
  • salaries and fees
  • maintenance of equipment and fixed assets
  • promotion
  • other expenses as required to fulfill your organization’s mandate
How to apply

We only accept applications through the Grant Administration Tracking and Evaluation (GATE) Front Office online application system.

We must receive your online application through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the deadline date, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so that the AFA receives notification of your submission before the deadline falls.

GATE Front Office username registration

First-time applicants will require a GATE Front Office username and password. Requests must be received at least five business days prior to the application deadline.

Please complete the GATE Front Office Registration form and email it as an attachment to

GATE Front Office usernames and passwords will be sent to the email addresses provide on the registration form.

What to include in your application

For detailed step-by-step instructions, please download the GATE Front Office user guide.

GATE Front Office online forms:

  • an Application Contact List which designates one contact as your organization’s primary contact and signing authority for this application 
  • your organization’s street address and mailing address 
  • your organization’s registration details, including legal name, Alberta Registration number and incorporation date
  • CADAC number for your organization’s last three years of financial and statistical data
  • an Organization Applicant Agreement, which must be agreed to by your organization’s Signing Authority
  • a current board list, which includes names and titles, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and start dates for all current members
  • a completed Community Derived Revenue Calculation form, using the data from the corresponding lines from CADAC
  • a completed Diligence Questionnaire


Attachments must be developed prior to application, using either original documents specific to your organization or preformatted AFA templates, and uploaded to your online GATE Front Office submission.

You’ll be required to complete and upload the following attachments:

  • a current, board-approved business or strategic plan
  • a listing of planned activities for the coming year
  • your most recent annual financial statements including Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenues and Expenditures, and Statement of Cash Flows
  • a confirmation of your most recent annual return from Alberta Corporate Registry
  • a current list of your organization's core staff and their positions 
  • a copy of your organization’s Cash Reserve Policy

Cash Reserve Policy requirements

Your organization’s submitted Cash Reserve Policy must: 

  1. be approved by your organization’s board of Directors
  2. establish a base Cash Reserve amount as a percentage of your organization’s annual operating expenditure and provide a rationale for that base amount
  3. outline that the Cash Reserve be clearly identified on your organization’s annual financial statement
  4. define the Cash Reserve as an unencumbered, restricted cash account that can only be accessed upon a resolution of your organization's board of Directors, approved by a majority vote
  5. outline that the Cash Reserve funds may only be used to temporarily finance unforeseen operating deficits
  6. outline that funds removed from the Cash Reserve must be replenished within three fiscal years from the end of the fiscal year in which the Cash Reserve funds were utilized
  7. outline that the base Cash Reserve amount, once approved by the AFA, may not be reduced without prior approval by the AFA

We strongly encourage all organizations to strive for a cash reserve of no less than 10% of your organization’s average annual operating expenditures. However, we recognize that individual organizations have unique operating requirements. In considering the savings target for the Cash Reserve, your organization’s board of Directors is expected to consider its own operating requirements and determine an appropriate target which may be more or less than 10% of average annual operating expenditures.

Eligible organizations in this funding opportunity are encouraged to consult department staff as they develop the Cash Reserve Policy and associated plan for implementation.

How will my application be assessed?

Funding awarded through this opportunity is calculated based on Community Derived Revenue (CDR). CDR is defined as an organization’s total annual revenue minus all federal, provincial and municipal government grants.

Funding amounts are calculated in two stages:

1. First, your organization’s three-year average CDR is adjusted according to the following percentage tiers:

  • 9% of such CDR for organizations with a three-year average CDR equal to or greater than $1 million
  • 12% of such CDR for organizations with a three-year average CDR of less than $1 million and equal to or more than $150,000 
  • 16% of such CDR for organizations with a three-year average CDR of less than $150,000

2. Your organization’s adjusted CDR is then divided by the sum of the adjusted CDR for all eligible Major Arts Presenters organizations, and then multiplied by this funding opportunity’s budget to determine your funding allocation.

Funding for Major Arts Presenters is established by the AFA Board of Directors based upon the annual AFA Budget allocated by the Government of Alberta. Department staff evaluate applications according to eligibility criteria and prepare recommendations to the board. The AFA Board of Directors reviews all funding recommendations, and all decisions are final.

When will I hear?

Grant recommendations are made to the AFA board of directors. Successful recipients will be notified upon board approval, generally between four to six months from the application deadline.


Your organization is only eligible to receive support from one AFA operating funding opportunity in any given year. Funding is intended for the activities planned for your organization’s next fiscal year based on information provided in your funding application.

Ineligible expenses for operating funding include, but are not limited to:

  • alcohol
  • amortization
  • GST expenses
  • fundraising expenses
  • bad debt and other paper losses
  • capital expenses

The AFA or our authorized representative may examine your financial and other records to ensure funding was used for its intended purpose

  • funding recipients must return unused portions of their grant to the AFA
  • we may require your organization to return funds if reporting requirements are not met
  • if you do not meet reporting requirements, your organization may be ineligible for further funding from the AFA for a period of three years from the time the delinquency is resolved

The AFA Fair Notice Policy  applies to this funding opportunity:

  • we may cancel, suspend, reduce or demand repayment of your grant in circumstances where we are concerned with the viability of your organization

Funding Acknowledgement

Your organization must credit the AFA for financial support in any publicity prepared in relation to your organization’s activities, including electronic, print or visual material. 

  • if your organization fails to satisfy AFA recognition requirements, it may be subject to a 10% funding reduction in subsequent payments
  • subsequent infractions may result in ineligibility to apply for AFA funding opportunities

Download versions of the AFA logo and guidelines for usage.


You are required to complete and submit satisfactory interim and final reports in GATE Front Office that demonstrates that funding awarded for the previous fiscal year was spent on the activities described in the application. If your organization does not intend to continue to seek AFA operating funding, you are still required to submit a final report.

Your organization’s interim report and final reports are due April 1 each year of the three-year grant cycle. We must receive your online report through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until 11:59 p.m. on the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so we receive notification of your submission before the deadline falls.

Interim Report

GATE Front Office online forms

  • CADAC number for your organization’s financial and statistical data that aligns with your organization’s most recent approved financial statements
  • operations and programming statistical information for the year aligning with your organization’s most recent approved financial statements


  • your organization’s most recent annual financial statements including Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenues and Expenditures, and Statement of Cash Flows
    • up to $25,000 requires a financial statement approved and signed by three board members, including the treasurer
    • $25,001 to $50,000 requires a Notice to Reader financial statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountan
    • $50,001 to $100,000 requires a Review Engagement statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
    • More than $100,000 requires an Audited financial statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
  • a confirmation of filing your most recent return from Alberta Corporate Registry
  • copies of related promotional and publicity materials for the previous year, showing compliance with recognition requirements
  • a material change report

Final Report 

Your organization’s final report, due by the three-year cycle application deadline of April 1 must include:

  • operations and programming statistical information for the year aligning with your organization’s most recent approved financial statements
  • listing of completed art activities report aligning with your organization’s most recent approved financial statements
  • sample of promotional and publicity materials for the previous year, showing compliance with AFA recognition requirements
  • your organization’s most recent approved financial statements with Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenue and Expenditures, and Statement of Cash Flows – information must be updated in CADAC
    • up to $25,000 requires a financial statement approved and signed by three board members, including the treasurer 
    • $25,001 to $50,000 requires a Notice to Reader financial statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
    • $50,001 to $100,000 requires a Review Engagement statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
    • more than $100,000 requires an Audited financial statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
  • a material change report
Helpful resources

Visit the Help and Resources section of our website to:

  • download the new Front Office User Guide
  • find additional resources for organizations

You may be required to download the following resources to include as attachments with your application, interim report or final report.

Should your organization wish to receive payment through direct deposit, please use the Direct Deposit form:

Deadline information

Professional Performing Arts Organizations Operating Funding

Grant subtitle
Three-year funding to professional organizations that create and produce performing art productions.
Recipient type
Art discipline
Preview image
Facebook title
Professional Performing Arts Organizations Operating Funding
Facebook description
Three-year funding to professional organizations that create and produce performing art productions.
Twitter title
Professional Performing Arts Organizations Operating Funding
Twitter description
Three-year funding to professional organizations that create and produce performing art productions.

This grant provides funding in three-year cycles to eligible professional organizations that self-create and self-produce performing art productions.

Who can apply

Eligible Applicants

To be eligible for Professional Performing Arts Organizations operating funding, you must:

  • have public performing arts programming as your organization’s principal mandate as stated in its incorporation documents
  • engage in on-going development, implementation and promotion of performing arts programming as its core primary activity in an annual program or full season of professional self-created and self-produced work for public presentation
  • employ at least one full-time equivalent administrative and/or artistic staff member for the minimum duration of your programming season

Your organization must:

  • be a not-for-profit organization
  • be registered and in good standing under the appropriate legislation and have been in operation in Alberta for at least three years
  • have at least 50% of the organization’s board members living in Alberta
  • pay a ‘fee for service’ at minimum industry standard rates (such as a union or nationally recognized rate) to at least 75% of the artists involved in the organization’s performance program for all performances
  • demonstrate the ability to operate using good governance principles, effective administration practices, and a commitment to fiscal responsibility while maintaining an artistic mandate
  • operate as a stand-alone arts organization at arms-length from municipalities, commercial enterprises, or organizations and institutions receiving annual operating funds from the Government of Alberta or its affiliates
  • comply with all Canadian Arts Database (CADAC) financial and statistical data requirements
  • have a board-approved cash reserve policy

Ineligible Applicants

Organizations that engage primarily in competition-based activity are not eligible for AFA funding.

Organizations can only receive operating fudning from one AFA grant program.

First-Time Applicants

Eligible first-time applicants are accepted only at the beginning of each three-year cycle.

If this is your organization’s first application for Professional Performing Arts Organizations operating funding, you must contact us at least three months before the deadline for a preliminary eligibility assessment to ensure your organization meets the eligibility criteria.

As a first-time applicant, your organization must have met all eligibility requirements for the three annual fiscal periods prior to application. You must also provide board-approved financial statements that demonstrate the organization has positive net assets and has been operating with no annual deficit for each of these three fiscal periods.

What does this funding support?

This funding is designed to support your organization’s operations, which are specific to your organization’s mandate, strategic and/or business plan and activities as described in your application and/or reporting.

AFA operating funding typically supports expenses such as

  • administration
  • programming
  • salaries and fees
  • maintenance of equipment and fixed assets
  • promotion
  • other expenses as required to fulfill your organization’s mandate

Organizations which have an average annual CDR under $1 million, and have been in an AFA funding stream for a minimum of three years, may apply to the Creative Year option under this funding. This option allows organizations to receive non-reduced funding in a year without a performing season. Discipline-specific project expert panels assess the proposals for this option. To prepare for this option, organizations must contact the AFA at least one year prior to the proposed Creative Year.

How to apply

We only accept applications through the Grant Administration Tracking and Evaluation (GATE) Front Office online application system. 

We must receive your online application through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the deadline date,  unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so that the AFA receives notification of your submission before the deadline falls.

GATE Front Office username

First-time applicants will require a GATE Front Office username and password. Requests must be received at least five business days prior to the application deadline.

Please complete the GATE Front Office Registration form and email it as an attachment to

GATE Front Office usernames and passwords will be sent to the email addresses provide on the registration form.

What to include in your application

For detailed step-by-step instructions, please download the GATE Front Office user guide.

GATE Front Office online forms:

  • an Application Contact List which designates one contact as your organization’s primary contact and Signing Authority for this application 
  • your organization’s street address and mailing address 
  • your organization’s registration details, including legal name, Alberta Registration number and incorporation date
  • CADAC number for your organization’s last three years of financial and statistical data
  • an Organization Applicant Agreement, which must be agreed to by your organization’s Signing Authority
  • a current board list which includes names and titles, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and start dates for all current members
  • a completed Community Derived Revenue Calculation form, using the data from the corresponding lines from CADAC
  • a completed Diligence Questionnaire


Attachments must be developed prior to application, using either original documents specific to your organization or preformatted AFA templates, and uploaded to your online GATE Front Office submission.

You’ll be required to complete and upload the following attachments:

  • a current, board-approved business or strategic plan
  • a listing of planned activities for the coming year
  • your most recent annual financial statements including Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenues and Expenditures, and Statement of Cash Flows
  • a confirmation of your organization's most recent annual return from Alberta Corporate Registry
  • a current list of your organization's core staff and their positions 
  • a copy of your organization's Cash Reserve Policy

Cash Reserve Policy requirements

Your organization’s submitted Cash Reserve Policy must: 

  • be approved by your organization’s board of Directors
  • establish a base Cash Reserve amount as a percentage of your organization’s annual operating expenditure and provide a rationale for that base amount
  • outline that the Cash Reserve be clearly identified on your organization’s annual financial statement
  • define the Cash Reserve as an unencumbered, restricted cash account that can only be accessed upon a resolution of your organization's board of Directors, approved by a majority vote
  • outline that the Cash Reserve funds may only be used to temporarily finance unforeseen operating deficits
  • outline that funds removed from the Cash Reserve must be replenished within three fiscal years from the end of the fiscal year in which the Cash Reserve funds were utilized
  • outline that the base Cash Reserve amount, once approved by the AFA, may not be reduced without prior approval by the AFA

We strongly encourage all organizations to strive for a cash reserve of no less than 10% of your organization’s average annual operating expenditures. However, we recognize that individual organizations have unique operating requirements. In considering the savings target for the Cash Reserve, your organization’s board of Directors is expected to consider its own operating requirements and determine an appropriate target which may be more or less than 10% of average annual operating expenditures.

Eligible organizations in this funding opportunity are encouraged to consult department staff as they develop the Cash Reserve Policy and associated plan for implementation.

How will my application be assessed?

Funding awarded through this opportunity is calculated based on Community Derived Revenue (CDR). CDR is defined as an organization’s total annual revenue minus all federal, provincial and municipal government grants. 

Funding amounts are calculated in two stages:

1. First, your organization’s three-year average CDR is adjusted to the following percentage tiers:

  • 11% of such CDR for organizations with a three-year average CDR equal to or greater than $1 million;
  • 15% of such CDR for organizations with a three-year average CDR of less than $1 million and equal to or more than $100,000
  • 20% of such CDR for organizations with a three-year average CDR of less than $100,000.

2. Your organization’s adjusted CDR is then divided by the sum of the adjusted CDR for all eligible Professional Performing Arts Organizations, and then multiplied by this funding opportunity’s budget to determine your funding grant allocation.

Note: If your organization has been approved for a Creative Year Option, your organization’s average CDR will consist of the most recent three years, excluding the Creative Year.

Funding for Professional Performing Arts Organizations is established by the AFA Board of Directors based upon the annual AFA Budget allocated by the Government of Alberta. Department staff evaluate applications according to eligibility criteria and prepare recommendations to the board. The AFA Board of Directors reviews all funding recommendations, and all decisions are final.

When will I hear?

Grant recommendations are made to the AFA board of directors. Successful recipients will be notified upon board approval, generally between four to six months from the application deadline.


Your organization is only eligible to receive support from one AFA operating funding opportunity in any given year. Funding is intended for the activities planned for your organization’s next fiscal year based on information provided in your funding application.

Ineligible expenses for operating funding include, but are not limited to:

  • alcohol
  • amortization
  • GST expenses
  • fundraising expenses
  • bad debt and other paper losses
  • capital expenses

The AFA or our authorized representative may examine your financial and other records to ensure funding was used for its intended purpose:

  • funding recipients must return unused portions of their grant to the AFA
  • we may require your organization to return funds if reporting requirements are not met
  • if you do not meet reporting requirements, your organization may be ineligible for further funding from the AFA for a period of three years from the time the delinquency is resolved

The AFA Fair Notice Policy  applies to this funding opportunity:

  • we may cancel, suspend, reduce or demand repayment of your grant in circumstances where we are concerned with the viability of your organization

Funding Acknowledgement

Your organization must credit the AFA for financial support in any publicity prepared in relation to your organization’s activities, including electronic, print or visual material. 

  • if your organization fails to satisfy AFA recognition requirements, it may be subject to a 10% funding reduction in subsequent payments
  • subsequent infractions may result in ineligibility to apply for AFA funding opportunities

Download versions of the AFA logo and guidelines for usage.


You are required to complete and submit satisfactory interim and final reports in GATE Front Office that demonstrates that funding awarded for the previous fiscal year was spent on the activities described in the application. If your organization does not intend to continue to seek AFA operating funding, you are still required to submit a final report.

Your organization’s interim and final reports are due November 1 each year of the three-year grant cycle. We must receive your online report through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until 11:59 p.m. on the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so we receive notification of your submission before the deadline falls.

Interim Report

GATE Front Office online forms

  • CADAC number for your organization’s financial and statistical data that aligns with your organization’s most recent approved financial statements
  • operations and programming statistical information for the year aligning with your organization’s most recent approved financial statements


  • your organization’s most recent annual financial statements including Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenues and Expenditures, and Statement of Cash Flows
    • up to $25,000 requires a financial statement approved and signed by three board members, including the treasurer
    • $25,001 to $50,000 requires a Notice to Reader financial statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountan
    • $50,001 to $100,000 requires a Review Engagement statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
    • More than $100,000 requires an Audited financial statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
  • a copy of your organization’s confirmation of filing your most recent return from Alberta Corporate Registry
  • copies of related promotional and publicity materials for the previous year, showing compliance with recognition requirements
  • a material change report

Final Report 

Your organization’s final report, due by the three-year cycle application deadline of November 1, must include:

  • operations and programming statistical information for the year aligning with your organization’s most recent approved financial statements
  • listing of completed art activities report aligning with your organization’s most recent approved financial statements
  • sample of promotional and publicity materials for the previous year, showing compliance with AFA recognition requirements
  • your organization’s most recent approved financial statements with Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenue and Expenditures, and Statement of Cash Flows – information must be updated in CADAC
    • up to $25,000 requires a financial statement approved and signed by three board members, including the treasurer 
    • $25,001 to $50,000 requires a Notice to Reader financial statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
    • $50,001 to $100,000 requires a Review Engagement statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
    • More than $100,000 requires an Audited financial statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
  • a material change report
Helpful resources

Visit the Help and Resources section of our website to:

  • download the new Front Office User Guide
  • find additional resources for organizations

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Deadline information